Caterina Tarlazzi
Principal Investigator
Bio of Caterina Tarlazzi
Caterina is Associate Professor in History of Medieval Philosophy (M-FIL/08) at Ca’ Foscari, where she teaches “Medieval Philosophy”, and “Storia della logica e semantica medievali”. Before joining Ca’ Foscari as a Rita Levi Montalcini fellow, she studied and did research in Padua, Cambridge, Paris, Vienna and Geneva. She has worked extensively on 12th-century thought. She is the author of Individui universali; the critical edition of Isaac of Stella’s “Epistola de anima”, and several articles, including The Twelfth-Century Debate Over Universals: what it is, and is not, about, and Individuals as Universals. Audacious Views on Early Twelfth-Century Realism
Eugenia Delaney
Project Manager
Bio of Eugenia Delaney
Eugenia has a scientific background in Environmental Science (1997) and a PhD in Plant Ecophysiology (2003), and she has been a Senior Project Manager since 2003. She has extensive experience in national and European project management and implementation, achieved through twenty years of working for private companies and public research institutions in environmental, humanities and social science fields. Since 2017, she has been the coordinator of the research sector at the Department of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage - Ca’ Foscari University of Venice.
Charles Girard
Research Fellow
Bio of Charles Girard
Charles is working in PolyphonicPhilosophy as a historian of philosophy (on leave at the University of Geneva between 11/2022 and 10/2023). His main research interest is medieval ontology, broadly construed (including mind-ontology). After obtaining his PhD (at the Universities of Lausanne and Paris-Sorbonne) on medieval realist theories of relation, he has been preparing critical editions of Radulphus Brito’s commentaries on the “Liber sex principiorum” and the “Metaphysics”, at the University of Geneva. He has also conducted, as Principal Investigator, an “Ambizione” research project at the University of Geneva, funded by the Swiss National Foundation, on the tradition of the “Liber sex principiorum”. Amongst his publications are: “L’objet du ‘Liber sex principiorum’ d’après ses commentateurs (c. 1230-1337)”, Archives d’histoire doctrinale et littéraire du Moyen ge 86 (2019), p. 97-140; “The Realm of ‘entia rationis’ and its Boundaries: Hervaeus Natalis on Objective Being”, Recherches de théologie et philosophie médiévales 87 (2020, n°2), p. 349-369 ; “Reflexivity Without Noticing: Durand of Saint-Pourçain, Walter Chatton, Brentano”, Topoi (2021)
Sofia Orsino
Research Fellow
Bio of Sofia Orsino
Sofia’s expertise is as a paleographer and codicologist. She is conducting the analysis of all of the 12th-century logical manuscripts containing commentaries on the “Logica vetus”. In 2022 she was admitted to the 7th “Corso Internazionale di Formazione sulle Problematiche del Manoscritto” promoted by SISMEL (International Society for the study of Medieval Latin Culture). In 2021 she defended her PhD dissertation in Latin Paleography at the University of Florence (at SAGAS department). Her doctoral research concerned the library of the so-called Badia of Florence, from which she compiled a catalogue of the Latin manuscripts (11th-15th centuries). Since 2020, she has been an associate researcher on the international scientific team, “Ius Illuminatum” (Lisbon, NOVA School of Social Sciences and Humanities – Institute for Medieval Studies). Her main interests are Latin paleography and codicology of medieval Latin manuscripts, and the history of monastic libraries.
Pietro Antonio Podolak
Research Fellow
Bio of Pietro Antonio Podolak
After studying at the University of Pisa and Scuola Normale Superiore, Pietro was a research fellow at the SISMEL (Firenze), and Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung (Würzburg). His research focus is on textual criticism of philosophical texts of the late ancient and medieval periods (ps.Dionysius the Areopagite, Marsilio Ficino, Hugh Eterianus and Latin logical texts of the 12th century). His publications include: P. Podolak, Soranos von Ephesos, Περὶ ψυχῆς, Sammlung der Testimonien, Kommentar und Einleitung. Herausgegeben unter der Mitarbeit von Jan Erik Heßler, Beiträge zur Altertumskunde, W. De Gruyter, Berlin 2010 Dionysii Areopagitae De mystica theologia – De divinis nominibus interprete Marsilio Ficino, ed. P. Podolak, D’Auria, Napoli 2011 («Storie e testi» 20); Hugonis Eteriani Epistolae, De sancto et immortali Deo, Compendiosa Expositio, Fragmenta Graeca quae extant, edd. P. Podolak – A. Zago, CCCM 298, Brepols, Turnhout 2020
Timothy Tambassi
Research Fellow
Bio of Timothy Tambassi
Timothy Tambassi works in the PolyphonicPhilosophy project as an ontologist and expert in digital humanities. Before joining Ca’ Foscari, he was Assistant Professor at the University of Salerno, Adjunct Professor and a Research Fellow at the University of Eastern Piedmont, ICUB Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Bucharest and Visiting Researcher at the Universities of Bucharest, Graz, Eastern Piedmont, Milan, Columbia (New York), and Durham. His main research interests include applied ontology, the philosophy of geography, the philosophy of computer science, and the philosophy of E.J. Lowe. He is the author of The Philosophy of Geo-Ontologies. Applied Ontology of Geography (Springer 2021), and the editor of The Philosophy of Geography (Springer 2021), The Philosophy of GIS (Springer 2019) and Studies in the Ontology of E.J. Lowe (Editiones Scholasticae 2018).
Advisory board
Collaborations with other projects
PolyphonicPhilosophy is collaborating with the following project teams in Europe:
- Glosulae in Priscianum: a critical edition led by Anne Grondeux, Histoire des théories linguistiques (HTL, UMR 7597), CNRS, Paris;
- Exploring Twelfth-Century Philosophy: Alberic of Paris and his School, led by Heine Hansen, Saxo Institute, Copenhagen;
- Stephen Langton Project, led by Magdalena Bieniak, Institute of Philosophy, University of Warsaw.