Index of manuscripts

Main group
Digital Index of Manuscripts of Commentaries on the “Logica vetus” Dating to the 12th Century
The Index lists all relevant manuscripts considered in the ERC project “PolyphonicPhilosophy”. At the moment, there are 39 mss.
Aim of the Index: the overall aim of the project is to study each manuscript on the list. We will carry out in-depth codicological and paleographical analysis, as well as compile exhaustive descriptions of them. Each description will be based on the study of the manuscripts themselves. In this online list, we also aim at gathering all the digital material related to the manuscripts (such as digitization, and online descriptions, catalogues and bibliography).
Criteria for inclusion in the Index: any manuscript transmitting at least one logical commentary (even incomplete commentaries) written in Latin and dating to the 12th century. By ‘logical commentary’ we mean a commentary to one of the following texts of the so-called “Logica vetus”: Porphyry’s “Isagoge”; Aristotle’s “Categories” and “De interpretatione”; Boethius’s “De divisione”, “De differentiis topicis”, “De syllogismis hypotheticis”, “De syllogismis categoricis”. Manuscripts transmitting commentaries on Aristotle’s “Elenchi sophistici” are being considered in the appendix, as part of the ‘control group’.
Sources: the index has been drawn up using the following sources:
- Present day: information collected by Professor Yukio Iwakuma; see the website Logicalia Medievalia.
- 2018: Marenbon, John. “The Isagoge in the Latin tradition until c. 1200”. Medioevo. Rivista di storia della filosofia medievale 43: 151–188.
- 2013: Marenbon, John. “The Tradition of Studying the ‘Categories’ in the early Middle Ages (until c. 1200): a revised working catalogue of glosses, commentaries and treatises”. In Ebbesen, Sten, Marenbon, John, Thom, Paul (eds.). “Aristotle’s Categories in the Byzantine, Arabic and Latin Traditions”. Copenhagen: The Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters: 139–173.
- 2000: Marenbon, John. “Medieval Latin Commentaries and Glosses on Aristotelian Logical Texts, Before c. 1150 AD”, with “Supplement”. In Marenbon, John. “Aristotelian Logic, Platonism, and the Context of Early Medieval Philosophy in the West”. Aldershot – Burlington: Ashgate, nr. II. (This is a reprint of Marenbon 1993, but with a supplement and corrections).
- 1993: Marenbon, John. “Medieval Latin Commentaries and Glosses on Aristotelian Logical Texts, Before c. 1150 AD”. In Burnett, Charles (ed.). “Glosses and Commentaries on Aristotelian Logical Texts: The Syriac, Arabic and Medieval Latin Traditions”. London: The Warburg Institute: 77–127.
- 1974: Green-Pedersen, Niels J. “The Tradition of the Topics in the Middle Ages”. München – Wien: Philosophia Verlag.
The index was drawn up by Sofia Orsino between September 2022 and February 2023. Should you know of any other manuscript to be added to the list, please contact Caterina Tarlazzi or Sofia Orsino, who would be delighted to be informed about that.
Assisi, Biblioteca del Sacro Convento, Fondo Antico Comunale 573
- Reason for inclusion in the index: a series of logical commentaries on the “Isagoge” (P3: ff. 4r-15v) the “Categoriae” (C14: ff 15vb-48ra), the “De interpretatione” (H9: ff. 48rb-67vb), the “De Divisione” (D8: ff. 68ra-78vb)
- Digital facsimiles: complete set of images
- Other digital resources: online description
Berlin, Staatsbibliothek, Lat. fol. 624
- Reason for inclusion in the index: commentaries on Porphyry’s “Isagoge” (P25: ff. 73v-76r), Boethius’s “De syllogismis hypotheticis” (SH1: ff. 76rb-80vb), on Aristotle’s “Categoriae” (C17: 81ra-87vb) and “De interpretatione” (H8: ff. 97ra-146ra) (H17: ff. 87vb-96vb)
- Digital facsimiles: not available online at the moment
- Other digital resources: not available at the moment
Cambridge, Fitzwilliam Museum, McClean 165
- Reason for inclusion in the index: commentaries on the “Isagoge” (P6: ff. 89r-102r) and on the “Categoriae” (C6: ff. 102r-116v)
- Digital facsimiles: not available online at the moment
- Other digital resources: short reference and bibliography
Cambridge, St. John’s College, D. 25
- Reason for inclusion in the index: commentary on Aristotle’s “Categoriae” (C32: ff. 113ra-116vb)
- Digital facsimiles: not available online at the moment
- Other digital resources: digitised catalogue (pp. 132-134)
Dublin, Trinity College Library 494
- Reason for inclusion in the index: commentary on Porphyry’s “Isagoge” (P 15: ff. 113r-118v)
- Digital facsimiles: not available online at the moment
- Other digital resources: not available at the moment
Erfurt, Universitätsbibliothek, Amplon. Oct. 5
- Reason for inclusion in the index: commentary on Porphyry’s “Isagoge” (P13: ff. 1r-8v, 16r-36v)
- Digital facsimiles: complete set of images
- Other digital resources: digitised catalogue (pp. 672-673)
Escorial, Biblioteca del Real Monasterio de San Lorenzo E IV 24
- Reason for inclusion in the index: commentary (P29: f. 52r-v) or, better, an introduction to the “Isagoge”
- Digital facsimiles: not available online at the moment
- Other digital resources: digitised catalogue (pp. 124-125)
Firenze, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, San Marco 113
- Reason for inclusion in the index: the first section of a commentary on Porphyry’s “Isagoge” (according to Iwakuma, Introduction to P: f. 20r)
- Digital facsimiles: not available online at the moment
- Other digital resources: short reference and bibliography
Hereford, Cathedral Library O. VIII. 12
- Reason for inclusion in the index: a fragment of parchment, once kept within the back cover of this manuscript, bears parts of an incomplete commentary on the “Categoriae” (C28)
- Digital facsimiles: not available online at the moment
- Other digital resources: not available at the moment
Limerick, University Library, Bolton Library 1 (olim Cashel, Bolton Library 1)
- Reason for inclusion in the index: commentary on Porphyry’s “Isagoge” (P32: pp. 118-120)
- Digital facsimiles: not available online at the moment
- Other digital resources: online description
London, British Library, Royal 7. D. XXV
- Reason for inclusion in the index: commentary on the “Categoriae” (C8: ff. 55ra-60va, ff. 60va-62rb)
- Digital facsimiles: not available online at the moment
- Other digital resources: due to the cyber-attack of November 2023, the online description provided by the website of the British Library is not available at the moment
Lunel, Bibliothèque Municipale - Musée Médard T054
- Reason for inclusion in the index: Abelard’s glosses on the “Isagoge”, also known as Logica ‘Nostrorum Petitioni Sociorum’ (P12: ff. 8r-41r,) and commentary on the “De syllogismis categoricis” (SC1: ff. 41rb-63ra)
- Digital facsimiles: some images are available online [FRA]
- Other digital resources: digitised catalogue and online description [FRA]
Milano, Archivio Capitolare della Basilica di Sant’Ambrogio M 2
- Reason for inclusion in the index: self-standing commentary on Aristotle’s “Categoriae” (C27: ff. 1ra-15rb)
- Digital facsimiles: not available online at the moment
- Other digital resources: not available at the moment
Milano, Biblioteca Ambrosiana M 63 sup.
- Reason for inclusion in the index: Peter Abelard’s commentaries on the “Isagoge” (P 10: ff. 1ra-15vb), on Aristotle’s “Categoriae” (C10: ff. 16ra-43vb) and “De interpretatione” (H8: ff. 44ra-71rb), followed by the Glossae secundum Vocales (P11: ff. 73ra-81vb)
- Digital facsimiles: not available online at the moment
- Other digital resources: short reference
München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Clm 14458
- Reason for inclusion in the index: commentaries on Porphyry’s “Isagoge” (P16: ff. 83r-93r), on Aristotle’s “Categoriae” (C8: ff. 95r-102r), on Boethius’s “De differentis topicis” (B6: ff. 103ra-118vb) and “De syllogismis hypotheticis” (SH3: ff. 59r-82r)
- Digital facsimiles: complete set of images
- Other digital resources: online description and digitised catalogue (p. 175)
München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Clm 14779
- Reason for inclusion in the index: several commentaries on the “Isagoge” (P30: f. 36v; P31: f. 37r-v) and on the “De interpretatione” (H24: ff. 37v-38r and, once attributed to Abelard, H5: ff. 44r-66r). Also, commentaries on the “De differentis topicis” (B1: ff. 87r-105r), on the “De syllogismis categoricis” (SC7: ff. 42r-43v) and on the “De syllogismis hypotheticis” (SH8: ff. 39r-41v; SH3: ff. 66r-67r; SH2: ff. 67v-86v; SH3: f. 86v)
- Digital facsimiles: complete set of images
- Other digital resources: short reference and digitised catalogue (p. 232)
München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Clm 29520 (5)
- Reason for inclusion in the index: fragment of a single bifolio that contains a commentary on Porphyry’s “Isagoge” (P18: f. 2ra)
- Digital facsimiles: not available online at the moment
- Other digital resources: digitised catalogue (p. 537)
Orléans, Bibliothèque Municipale 266
- Reason for inclusion in the index: one commentary on the “Isagoge” (P24: pp. 289-90), and several commentaries on the “De interpretatione” (H9: pp. 5a-43a; H13: pp. 237a-252b; H20: pp. 257b-263b), “De divisione” (D1: pp. 121a-148a; D1b: ff. 148a-149a; D2: pp. 149a-151b; D3: pp. 183b-194a), “De differentiis topicis” (B4: pp. 230a-235b; B5: p. 78a-b; B8: pp. 43a-74b; B9: pp. 205a-229b; B10: pp. 74b-78a; B11: pp. 194b-204b), “De syllogismis categoricis” (SC2: pp. 171a-173b; SC3: pp. 179a-183b), “De syllogismis hypotheticis” (SH3: pp. 78b-118a; SH3a: pp. 118b-119b; SH4: pp. 289b-290b)
- Digital facsimiles: complete set of images
- Other digital resources: digitised catalogue (pp. 128-129)
Orléans, Bibliothèque Municipale 283
- Reason for inclusion in the index: commentaries on Boethius’s “De divisione” (D4: pp. 171-177A) and “De differentiis topicis” (B15: pp. 156a-170b)
- Digital facsimiles: not available online at the moment
- Other digital resources: digitised catalogue (pp. 138-139)
Oxford, Bodleian Library, D’Orville 207
- Reason for inclusion in the index: commentary on Aristotle’s “Categoriae” (C26: ff. 1ra-24vb)
- Digital facsimiles: not available online at the moment
- Other digital resources: digitised catalogue (p. 88)
Oxford, Bodleian Library, Laud. Lat. 67
- Reason for inclusion in the index: two commentaries on Porphyry’s “Isagoge” (P3: ff. 9v-14v and P19: ff. 6r-7v)
- Digital facsimiles: not available online at the moment
- Other digital resources: digitised catalogue (p. 31)
Oxford, Corpus Christi College 233
- Reason for inclusion in the index: commentaries on Aristotle’s “Categoriae” (C13: f. 127ra-rb) and “De interpretatione” (H7: ff. 127va-150ra)
- Digital facsimiles: not available online at the moment
- Other digital resources: not available at the moment
Oxford, Merton College 253
- Reason for inclusion in the index: the manuscript reused a fragment of a commentary on Boethius’s “De differentiis topicis” (B16: ff. 181ra-183vb) as former end-leaves and paste-down
- Digital facsimiles: not available online at the moment
- Other digital resources: not available at the moment
Padova, Biblioteca Universitaria 2087
- Reason for inclusion in the index: incomplete commentary on Aristotle’s “Categoriae” (C15: ff. 1ra-48vb)
- Digital facsimiles: not available online at the moment
- Other digital resources: digitised catalogue (f. 331v)
Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Arsenal 910
- Reason for inclusion in the index: several commentaries and glosses on Aristotle’s “Categoriae” (C16 ff. 145ra-147rb; C20: ff. 147rb-162vb; C21: ff. 143rb-144ra) and “De interpretatione” (H21: ff. 83ra-91rb; H22: f. 141ra-b; H25: ff. 187ra-196ra), on Boethius’s “De differentis topicis” (B8: ff. 105ra-120vb; B12: ff. 120vb-121rb; B13: ff. 58ra-82vb; B14: 34ra-54vb), “De divisione” (D1: ff. 92ra-104rb; D5: ff. 57r-v) and “De syllogismis hypotheticis” (SH5: ff. 142va-143ra)
- Digital facsimiles: complete set of images
- Other digital resources: short reference and bibliography
Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Lat. 3237
- Reason for inclusion in the index: commentary on Porphyry’s “Isagoge” (P17: ff. 125r-130r, 123r-124v)
- Digital facsimiles: complete set of images
- Other digital resources: short reference and bibliography and digitised catalogue (pp. 398-405)
Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Lat. 7094A
- Reason for inclusion in the index: commentaries on Aristotle’s “Categories” (C12: ff. 74r-79r) and on Boethius’s “De differetiis topicis” (B7a: ff. 92ra-95va), “De divisione” (D6: ff. 83rb-63ra) and “De syllogismis categoricis” (SC4: ff. 82ra-92ra)
- Digital facsimiles: complete set of images
- Other digital resources: short reference and bibliography
Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Lat. 7493
- Reason for inclusion in the index: commentary on Boethius’s “De differentis topicis” (B12: ff. 168ra-183vb)
- Digital facsimiles: complete set of images
- Other digital resources: short reference and bibliography and digitised catalogue (IV, p.366)
Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Lat. 13368
- Reason for inclusion in the index: several commentaries on Porphyry’s “Isagoge” (P3: ff. 215-223; P5: ff. 156r-162v; P9: ff. 177v-179r), on Aristotle’s “Categoriae” (C5: ff. 164ra-167vb; C8: ff. 195ra-214vb; C11: ff. 184, 185ra-191ra; C22: f. 179va-b) and “De interpretatione” (H4: ff. 128ra-145ra; H11: ff. 225rb-231vb; H12: ff. 180ra-183vb), on Boethius’s “De differentis topicis” (B7: ff. 224ra-225ra) and “De divisione” (D7: ff. 146ra-156ra; D8: ff. 191rb-194va)
- Digital facsimiles: complete set of images
- Other digital resources: short reference and bibliography and digitised catalogue (p. 99)
Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Lat. 15015
- Reason for inclusion in the index: commentary on Aristotle’s “De interpretatione” (H15: ff. 180ra-199ra)
- Digital facsimiles: complete set of images
- Other digital resources: short reference and bibliography
Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Lat. 17813
- Reason for inclusion in the index: commentaries on the “Isagoge” (P14: ff. 1r-16v) and on Aristotle’s “Categoriae” (C7: ff. 19bisra-54vb)
- Digital facsimiles: complete set of images
- Other digital resources: short reference and bibliography
Pommersfelden, Gräflich Schönbornsche Schloßbibliothek 16
- Reason for inclusion in the index: several commentaries on Porphyry’s “Isagoge” (P4: f. 6r), on Boethius’s “De divisione” (D10: f. 4v), “De differentis topicis” (B2: ff. 7r-8v; B3: ff. 8v-26v, 28r-29v; B3a: ff. 27r-v; B3b: f. 30r), “De syllogismis categoricis” (SC6: ff. 30r-41v) and “De syllogismis hypotheticis” (SH6: ff. 2r-v, 4r-v)
- Digital facsimiles: not available online at the moment
- Other digital resources: short reference and bibliography
Sankt Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek 134
Reason for inclusion in the index: commentaries on Porphyry’s “Isagoge” (P3: pp. 77ra-96bisa), on Boethius’s “De divisione” (D1: pp. 134a-147b) and “De syllogismis hypotheticis” (SH3: pp. 96bisa-133b)
- Digital facsimiles: complete set of images
- Other digital resources: online description
Sankt Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek 831
- Reason for inclusion in the index: commentary on Porphyry’s “Isagoge” (P33 or, according to Iwakuma, P13a: pp. 344b-359b, 295a-331b)
- Digital facsimiles: complete set of images
- Other digital resources: online description
Sankt Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek 833
- Reason for inclusion in the index: self-standing group of commentaries on the “Isagoge” (P 28: pp. 4-7), on the “Categoriae” (C24: pp. 7-17), the “De interpretatione” (H 23 pp. 17-19), on Boethius’s “De divisione” (D9: pp. 19-21), “De syllogismis categoricis” (SC 5: pp. 22-26) and “De syllogismis hypotheticis” (SH 7: pp. 26-30)
- Digital facsimiles: complete set of images
- Other digital resources: online description
Uppsala, Universitetsbibliotek, C. 924
- Reason for inclusion in the index: commentary on Aristotle’s “Categoriae” (C28: f. 74r-v)
- Digital facsimiles: complete set of images
- Other digital resources: digitised catalogue (p. 366)
Vaticano (città del), Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Reg. Lat. 230
- Reason for inclusion in the index: commentaries on Aristotle’s “Categoriae” (C8: ff 41ra-71rb), “De interpretatione” (H11: ff. 80ra-87rb) and on Boethius’s “De differentis topicis” (B8: ff. 72ra-79vb)
- Digital facsimiles: complete set of images
- Other digital resources: digitised catalogue (n. 230) and bibliography
Wien, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek 2237
- Reason for inclusion in the index: commentary on Aristotle’s “Categoriae” (C25: ff. 27r-28v)
- Digital facsimiles: not available online at the moment
- Other digital resources: short reference and digitised catalogue
Wien, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek 2486
- Reason for inclusion in the index: commentaries on Porphyry’s “Isagoge” (P20: ff. 45r-60v; P21: ff. 1r-4r), on Aristotle’s “Categoriae” (C29: f. 4r, and part of C15: f. 6v) and “De interpretatione” (H15: f. 6r)
- Digital facsimiles: complete set of images [DEU]
- Other digital resources: short reference and digitised catalogue
Control Group
This additional list presents manuscripts that contain 12th-century logical materials, and not included above. In more detail, it lists 12th-century manuscripts that contain: commentaries and treatises on Aristotle’s “Elenchi sophistici”; 12th-century treatises on Dialectics, or other relevant logical treatises (such as Abelard’s “De intellectibus”); manuscripts of commentaries and notes on Priscian’s
“Institutiones grammaticae” belonging to the so-called Glosulae-complex and manuscripts, not of commentaries, but of the authoritative texts.
The list is still provisional.
Aim of the Appendix: this additional group of manuscripts is intended as a control group. We are considering them in order to draw parallels in the analysis of codicological, paleographical, or even textual elements.
- Present day: information collected by Professor Yukio Iwakuma; see the website “Logicalia Medievalia”.
- 2018: Marenbon, John, Tarlazzi, Caterina. “Logic”. In Kwakkel, Erik, Thomson, Rodney (eds.). “The European Book in the Twelfth Century”. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press: 215–239 (in particular the Appendix by John Marenbon, 229–235).
- 2018: Grondeux, Anne, Rosier-Catach, Irène (ed.). “Priscien lu par Guillaume de Champeaux et son école. Les Notae Dunelmenses (Durham, D.C.L., C.IV.29)”. Turnhout: Brepols.
- 1993: Ebbesen, Sten. “Medieval Latin Glosses and Commentaries on Aristotelian Logical Texts of the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries”. In Ch. Burnett (ed.). “Glosses and Commentaries on Aristotelian Logical Texts”. London: The Warburg Institute: 129–177.
- ALD: Aristoteles Latinus Database.
Manuscripts of commentaries and treatises on “Elenchi Sophistici”
- Cambridge, Jesus College, Q. B. 17 (SE20)
- Cambridge, St. John’s College, C. 12 (SE15)
- Chartres, Bibliothèque Municipale 190 (163) (tSE add.3, according to Iwakuma)
- London, British Library, Royal 2. D. XI (tSE18, or SE18 according to Ebbesen)
- London, British Library, Royal 9. E. XII (tSE20, or SE20 according to Ebbesen)
- München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Clm 4643 (tSE17, or SE17 according to Ebbesen)
- München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Clm 4652 (tSE25, or SE25 according to Ebbesen)
- München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Clm 14763 (tSE27, tSE28, or SE27 and SE28 according to Ebbesen)
- Oxford, Bodleian Library, Laud. misc. 368 (SE24)
- Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Lat. 3454 (tSE23, or SE23 according to Ebbesen)
- Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Lat. 4720A (tSE8, or SE8 according to Ebbesen)
- Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Lat. 6674 (tSE10, or SE10 according to Ebbesen)
- Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Lat.15141 (tSE6, or SE6 according to Ebbesen)
- Wolfenbüttel, Herzog August Bibliothek, 56. 20 Aug. 8 (part of tSE6 and tSE7, or SE7 according to Ebbesen)
- Wien, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek 2459 (tSE16, or SE16 according to Ebbesen)
Manuscripts of treatises on “Dialectica” or other relevant logical treatises
- Avranches, Bibliothèque Municipale 232 (Peter Abelard, “Tractatus de intellectibus”)
- Berlin, Staatsbibliothek, Lat. Oct. 76 (“Introductiones Dialecticae Berolinenses”)
- Berlin, Staatsbibliothek, Lat. Oct. 262 (“Introductiones Parvipontanae”)
- Bern, Burgerbibliothek 618 (“Ars Bernensis”)
- Douai, Bibliothèque Municipale 749 (“Introductiones Duacenses”)
- Lucca, Biblioteca Capitolare Feliniana 614 (“Summa Dialecticae Artis”)
- München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Clm 14735 (“Introductiones Emmeranae”)
- Nürnberg, Germanisches Nationalmuseum, 27773 (“Adbreviatio Montana”)
- Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Lat. 544 (“Introductiones Lemovicenses”)
- Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Lat 14614 (Peter Abelard, “Dialectica”)
- Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Lat.15141 (“Introductiones Montanae maiores”)
- Wien, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek 2499 (“Introductiones Dialecticae secundum Wilgelmum”)
- Wolfenbüttel, Herzog August Bibliothek, 56. 20 Aug. 8 (“Introductiones Montanae minores”; “Introductiones Guelferbytanae”)
Manuscripts of commentaries and notes on Priscian’s Institutiones belonging to the “Glosulae-complex”
- Bruxelles, Bibliothèque Royale 3921 (GPma )
- Chartres, Bibliothèque Municipale 209 (248) (GPma)
- Durham, Dean and Chapter library C IV 29 (ND)
- Köln, Dombibliothek B 201 (GPma)
- London, British Library, Burney 238 (GPmi)
- London, British Library Harley 2713 (GPmi)
- Metz, Bibliothèque Municipale 1224 (GPma)
- Orléans, Bibliothèque Municipal 90 (GPmi)
- Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Nouvelles acquisitions latines 1623 (GPma)
- Vatican city, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Vat. Lat. 1486 (GPma)
Manuscripts of authoritative texts
- Darmstadt, Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek 2282 (P, C, H, D, SC, SH)
- Firenze, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, San Marco 166 (P, C, H, B, D, SC, SH)
- Venezia, Biblioteca Marciana, Lat. VI, 68 (=3633) (inH2)