Activities and outcomes

Timeline of activities

  • April: Pietro Podolak teaches the course “Textual editing” (30 hours) at the DEEM 2023-2024.
  • January - March: Sofia Orsino is Visiting Scholar at Trinity College, Cambridge.
  • November - December: Timothy Tambassi is Visiting Scholar at the University of Cork
  • April: Timothy Tambassi joins the project as postdoctoral researcher expert in digital humanities and ontologies.
  • February: The Data Management Plan has been prepared by Pietro Podolak and Caterina Tarlazzi, in association with the other team members.
  • February: This website has been created and launched by Caterina Tarlazzi, Sofia Orsino, and Ca’ Foscari ASIT support.
  • December: Launch of a selection process for a Digital Humanities expert to join the project.
  • September - December: We have the pleasure of collaborating with Eileen Sweeney (Boston College), visiting professor at Ca’ Foscari for these months. 
  • September: Start of the project, with Caterina Tarlazzi (PI), Eugenia Delanay (Project Manager), and postdoctoral researchers Sofia Orsino, Pietro Podolak and Charles Girard. 
  • June - July: Selection for three research positions in the project. 


Events organised or co-organised by Polyphonic Philosophy



  • October: a workshop concerning the edition of the C8 complex of commentaries on Aristotle’s Categories is organized at Ca’ Foscari University, with Heine Hansen, Enrico Donato and Boaz Schuman, members of the project “Exploring Twelfth-Century Philosophy: Alberic of Paris and his School”.
  • May: informal seminar with Micol Long around research on 12th-century education and learning at Ca’ Foscari University.
  • April: Caterina Tarlazzi, Sofia Orsino, Pietro Podolak and Charles Girard contribute to the event “The Renaissance Before the Renaissance”, organised by Irene Binini and Magdalena Bieniak, with the collaboration of Polyphonic Philosophy.


A Boethian diagram, partially erased. The diagram was drawn by a different hand outside the section II of the ms. containing the P13a commentary (P33 in Marenbon 2018). Sankt Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. 831, p. 184 (image available on e-codices website)

Events to which team members have contributed




  • September: Caterina Tarlazzi gives a presentation on “Pure Universals in the 12th century” at the University of Copenhagen. 
The explicit formula of the SH3 commentary. The explicit has been written by the copyist in a mixed alphabet of uncial and capital letters, and then touched up with red ink. Sankt Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek 833, p. 30, detail (image available on e-codices website)



Other outcomes

  • 2024: Podolak, P. review of “Long M. Learning as Shared Practice in Monastic Communities, 1070-1180, Leiden-Boston, Brill («Education and Society in the Middle Ages and Renaissance», 58) 2022”, accepted for publication in Cahiers de Civilisation médiévale 2024
  • 2023: Girard, Ch. “Venezia: Peter Abelard’s Logic and Its Network”’, Bulletin de philosophie médiévale, 65 (2023), 443-450
The first rubric of P28 saying, “Incipiunt ediciones in Ysagogas Porphirii”. Sankt Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek 833, p. 4, detail (image available on e-codices website)