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Publications - PDF version | 248 KB |
In preparation
- M. Puturidze, E. Rova, “Khashuri Natsargora: The Early Bronze Age Settlement" (Publications of the Georgian-Italian Shida Kartli Archaeological Project 3) (ARAXES), Turnhout, Brepols.
- I. Gagoshidze, E. Rova, “The Kura-Araxes Cemetery of Doghlauri (Shida Kartli, Georgia): 2012-2015 Excavations" (Publications of the Georgian-Italian Shida Kartli Archaeological Project 3) (ARAXES), Turnhout, Brepols.
- F. Amato, E. Boaretto, E. Rova (eds.), “Timing Cultural Changes in the Southern Caucasus: Where do we stand with Abolute Chronology from the Late Chalcolithic to the Iron Age?”, Proceedings of the International workshop: Venice, January 20-21, 2022 (ARAXES), Turnhout, Brepols.
In press
- S. Claut, “L’edilizia Kura-Araxes tra IV e III millennio: uno studio regionale” (Antichistica 44). Venezia: Edizioni Ca’ Foscari.

E. Rova, M. Tonussi (eds.), “At the Northern Frontier of Near Eastern Archaeology: Recent Research on Caucasia and Anatolia in the Bronze Age / An der Nordgrenze der vorderasiatischen Archäologie: Neue Forschung über Kaukasien und Anatolien in der Bronzezeit” (Publications of the Georgian-Italian Shida Kartli Archaeological Project, 2), (Proceedings of the international Humboldt-Kolleg Venice, January 9th-January 12th, 2013) (Subartu 38), Turnhout: Brepols 2017.
In preparation
- F. Bertoldi, L., Bitadze, S. Laliashvili, A. Rasia, P. F. Fabbri, A. Kordzadze A., E. Rova, “Evidence of Interpersonal Violence in a Middle Age Population from Berisaqdrebi-Georgia”.
- F. Bertoldi, L. Bitadze, S. Laliashvili, A. Rasia, P.F. Fabbri, R. Cameriere, E. Rova, “A Comparison between Traditional and Radiographic Methods of Age Determination in a Human Sample from Borjomi (Georgia)”.
- F. Bertoldi, L. Bitadze, A. Rasia, P.F. Fabbri, G. Fornaciari, L. Rubino, A. Kordzadze, G. Scorrano, E. Herrscher E. Rova, “Osteobiography of a TBC Affected Child in Bronze Age Georgia”.
In press
- G. Babolin, “The Transition between the Neolithic and Chalcolithic Period in the Southern Caucasus: a Macrolithic Perspective”, in Proceedings of the 13th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East, Copenhagen 22-26 May 2023.
- F. Bianchi, “Eastern Anatolia as a Pathway between Southern Caucasus and Northern Mesopotamia in the Late Bronze Age”, in Proceedings of the 13th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East, Copenhagen 22-26 May 2023.
- L. Bitadze, Sh. Laliashvili, G. Mtskeradze, G. Laghiashvili, R. Cameriere, L. Catalini, D. Piano, P. A. Rasia, E. Rova, F. Bertoldi, P. F. Fabbri, “A comparison between anthropological (dental wear and cranial suture closure analysis) and forensic (dental radiographic approach) methods of age estimation on a Middle Ages human sample from Beris Saqdrebi (Borjomi, Georgia)”, Chronos 5.
- I. Gagoshidze, E. Rova, F. Bianchi, F. Bertoldi, P.A. Rasia et al., “Interdisciplinary Research on the Doghlauri Cemetery, Georgia”, in Proceedings of the 13th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East, Copenhagen 22-26 May 2023.
- V. Perissinotto, “How do the Tsiteli Gorebi sites contribute to the General Interpretation of the Chalcolithic Period of the Southern Caucasus? A Ceramic Perspective”, in Proceedings of the 13th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East, Copenhagen 22-26 May 2023.
- E. Rova, D. Kvavadze, G. Boschian, “'Island-like' Settlements in the Alazani plain (Georgia, Southern Caucasus): Excavations at Tsiteli Gorebi 5 and Tchiauri 1”, in Proceedings of the 13th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East, Copenhagen 22-26 May 2023.
- E. Rova, D. Kvavadze, F. Amato, E. Boaretto, G. Boschian, G. Siracusano, L. Tonetto, L., “Tsiteli Gorebi 5, a New Early Chalcolithic Site in Eastern Georgia”. Results of the 2018-1019 Excavations by the Georgian-Italian Lagodekhi Archaeological Project, AMIT ("Archäologische Mitteilungen Aus Iran und Turan") 50.
- S. Fiori, K. Hopper, D. Kvavadze, E. Rova, “The Kurgans of the Alazani Valley in Eastern Georgia: A New Assessment via Remote Sensing and Targeted Field Survey”, Journal of Archaeological Science. Reports 57, 2024.
- E. Rova, “The Archaeology of Wine in the Southern Caucasus. New Methods for an Old Tradition”, in C. Antonetti, B. De Notariis, M. Enrico (eds), "Wine culture: Gandharan Crossroads" (Antichistica 42). Venezia: Edizioni Ca’ Foscari, 102-122.
- E. Rova, “The post-Kura-Araxes Period in the Southern Caucasus: Reflections on Definitions and Terminology, and a Wiew from Shida Kartli”, in B. Perello, R. Badalyan (eds), "The end of the Kura-Araxes phenomenon and the EB/MB transition in the South Caucasus"(ARAXES 3). Turnhout: Brepols, 67-92.
- G. Babolin, “Trends in the Development of Groundstone Tools From the Neolithic to the Chalcolithic Period in the Southern Caucasus: New Data from Tsiteli Gorebi 5 (Georgia)”, Rivista di Archeologia 46, 2022, 3-34.
- K. Hopper, E. Rova, D. Kvavadze, Kurgans, “Churches and Karvasla: The First Two Seasons of the Lagodekhi Archaeological Survey, Georgia”, in N. Marchetti, F. Cavaliere, E. Cirelli, C. D’Orazio, G. Giacosa, M. Guidetti, E. Mariani, Proceedings of the 12th ICAANE (Bologna, 6-9 April 2021), Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, vol. 2, 293-304.
- E. Rova, D. Kvavadze, “Two Seasons of Excavations at the Chalcolithic site of Tsiteli Gorebi 5 (Lagodekhi Municipality, Georgia)”, in N. Marchetti, F. Cavaliere, E. Cirelli, C. D’Orazio, G. Giacosa, M. Guidetti, E. Mariani, Proceedings of the 12th ICAANE (Bologna, 6-9 April 2021), Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, vol. 2, 559-571.
- B. Gratuze, E. Rova, “New Data on Different Patterns of Obsidian Procurement in Georgia (Southern Caucasus) during the Chalcolithic, Bronze and Iron Age Periods”, Archaeological Research in Asia 32, 2022.
- S. Laliashvili, G. Inanishvili, H. Herrscher, E. Kvavadze, K. Kakhiani, G. Gogochuri, G. Bedianashvil, D. Chitanava, I. Gagoshidze, E. Rova, F. Bertoldi , P.A. Rasia , M. Poulmarc’h, L. Bitadze, “The Main Results of Research on the Kuro-Araxes Culture in Georgia”, in AA.VV. Proceedings of the VIth International Congress of Caucasiologists, 25-27 August 2022.
- S. M. Stellacci, “Different Types of Needles for Specific Uses? Experimental Reproductions of some Finds from Aradetis Orgora, Georgia”, EXARC Journal 2022/1, 1-12.
- F. Bertoldi, P.A. Rasia, “The Activities and Results of the Laboratory of Physical Anthropology at the Ca’ Foscari University, Venice (Italy)”, Chronos 2, 210-232.
- M. Babetto, L. Lazzarini, E. Rova, D. Visonà, “Archaeometric Analyses of Early Bronze Age Pottery from Khashuri Natsargora (Georgia)”, Journal of Archaeological Science. Reports, 35.
- P. A. Rasia, L. Bitadze, E. Rova, F. Bertoldi, “Bronze Age Burials from Doghlauri (Georgia). Preliminary analysis of human remains reveals a change in burial customs”, Journal of Archaeological Science. Reports, 38.
- E. Herrscher, M. Poulmarc’h, G. Palumbi, S. Paz, E. Rova, G. Gogochuri, C. Longford, M. Jalabadze, Lia Bitadze, N. Vanishvili, F. Le Mort, A. Guy, “Dietary Practices, Cultural and Social Identity in the Early Bronze Age Southern Caucasus. The case of the Kura-Araxes Culture”, Paléorient 47.1, 151-174.
- M. Palmieri, E. Rova, “Malacological Remains from the 2011-2016 Excavations at Khashuri Natsargora and Aradetis Orgora (Shida Kartli Region, Georgia, Southern Caucasus)”, West & East 5, 4-15.
- E. Rova, “A Unified Terminology for the South-Caucasian ‘Early Bronze Age’: A worthy and achievable target?” in M. T. Kašuba, S. Reinhold, J.J. Piotrovskij (Hrsg.), Der Kaukasus swischen Osteuropa und Vorderem Orient in der Bronze- und Eisenzeit: Dialog der Kulturen, Kultur des Dialoges - Internationale Fachtagung für die Archäologie des Kaukasus und Humboldt-Kolleg (5-8 Oktober 2015, Sankt Petersburg) (Archäologie in Iran und Turan Band 19), Berlin: Dietrich Reimer Verlag, 353-373.
- E. Rova, “Georgia and Anatolia in the 4th and 3rd millennia BC. Which Relations?”, in M. Işıklı, R. Akarsu, E. Yavuz, E. Yurttaş (eds.), “Tarih Boyunca Anadolu - Gürcistan İlişkileri Sempozyumu” - Proceedings of the International Symposium "Relationships between Georgia and Anatolia throughout History" (Uzundere - Erzurum 27-29th October 2018), Ankara: Bilgin Kültür Sanat Yayınları, 137-159.
- B. Barbiero, E. Rova, “Remains from Butchery Activities from Late Bronze Age Contexts at the Aradetis Orgora Site (Georgia, Southern Caucasus)”, Origini 43, 2019 (2020), 53-76.
- B. Barbiero, “A territorial model of animal husbandry for the southern Caucasus: some preliminary results”, in C. Coppini, F. Simi (eds), “Interactions and New Directions in Near Eastern Archaeology”. Vol 3, Trieste 2020, 23-39.
- F. Bianchi, “Southern Caucasus and Eastern Anatolia in the Late Bronze: a Combined Approach to the Study of the Connections between these Two Areas”, in M. Işıklı, R. Akarsu, E. Yavuz, E. Yurttaş (eds.), “Tarih Boyunca Anadolu - Gürcistan İlişkileri Sempozyumu” - Proceedings of the International Symposium "Relationships between Georgia and Anatolia throughout History" (Uzundere - Erzurum 27-29th October 2018), Ankara: Bilgin Kültür Sanat Yayınları, 2020.
- E. Rova, “How Wide is the Near East? Some Reflections on the Limits of ‘Near Eastern Archaeology’”, in C. Coppini, F. Simi (eds.), “Civilizations in Context”. Proceedings of the 5th "Broadening Horizons" conference Vol. 3. Interactions and New Directions in Near Eastern Archaeology. (West & East Monografie 4), Trieste: EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 4-22.
- I. Gagoshidze, E. Rova, “Early Bronze Age Graves at Doghlauri (Georgia): Results of the 2012-2015 Salvage Excavations”, in A. Otto, M. Herles, K. Kaniuth (eds.), Proceedings of the 11th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East, Volume 2, Field Reports, Wiesbaden: Harrassovitz Verlag, 91-104.
- F. Amato, “Aradetis Orgora: lithic artefacts of a site of the southern Caucasus, Georgia”, in A. Otto, M. Herles, K. Kaniuth (eds.), Proceedings of the 11th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East, Volume 2, Field Reports, Wiesbaden: Harrassovitz Verlag, 5-16.
- V. Dall'Armellina, "From the Caspian to the Aegean, from the Caucasus to the Carpathians. The Circulation of the ‘Long-Sword’ in the Second Millennium B.C.", in C. Coppini, F. Simi (eds.), Proceedings of the congress "Broadening Horizons 5", Vol. 3: "Marine connections" and "Civilizations in contact" / Session 6 and Session 7 (West and East, Supplementa), EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 137-151.
- E. Kvavadze, G. Boschian, M. Chichinadze, I. Gagoshidze, K. Gavagnin, I. Martkoplishvili, E. Rova, “Palynological and Archaeological Evidence for Ritual Use of Wine in the Kura-Araxes Period at Aradetis Orgora (Georgia, Caucasus)”, Journal of Field Archaeology 44, 8, 2019, 500-522 (DOI 10.1080 / 00934690.2019.1669254).
- E. Rova, “Usi funerari nel Caucaso Meridionale nell' Età del Bronzo Antico: il caso di Shida Kartli (Georgia)”, in G. Comai, C. Frappi, G, Pedrini, E. Rova (a cura di), Armenia, Caucaso e Asia Centrale. Ricerche 2019 (Eurasiatica 12), Venezia: Edizioni Ca’ Foscari, 13-34.
- A. Ferrari, E. Rova, “Introduzione”, in G. Comai, C. Frappi, G, Pedrini, E. Rova (a cura di), Armenia, Caucaso e Asia Centrale. Ricerche 2019 (Eurasiatica 12). Venezia: Edizioni Ca’ Foscari, 8-12.
- V. Dall'Armellina, E. Rova, “Beasts and Wine. Zoomorphic Vessels and the Northern Corridor of the Near East”, in S. Valentini, G. Guarducci (eds.), “Between Syria and the Highlands. Studies in Honor of Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati”, (SANEM Studies on the Ancient Near East and the Mediterranean), Roma: ArborSapientiae, 139-154.
- F. Amato, “Ossidiana e selce nel Caucaso meridionale: il caso di Aradetis Orgora”, in G. Comai, C. Frappi, G, Pedrini, E. Rova (a cura di), Armenia, Caucaso e Asia Centrale. Ricerche 2019 (Eurasiatica 12). Venezia: Edizioni Ca’ Foscari, 81-112.
- K. Gavagnin, M. Aquilano, L. Gervasi, “Focolari e installazioni da fuoco nell’archeologia del Caucaso meridionale. Potenzialità di una classe di materiali solitamente trascurata”, in G. Comai, C. Frappi, G, Pedrini, E. Rova (a cura di), Armenia, Caucaso e Asia Centrale. Ricerche 2019 (Eurasiatica 12). Venezia: Edizioni Ca’ Foscari, 55-80.
- V. Dall'Armellina, “Il sacrificio del cavallo nel Caucaso Meridionale dell’Età del Bronzo”, Incontri di Filologia Classica XVII, 39-60.
- V. Dall'Armellina, “La morte dell’Eroe. Simboli di potere aristocratico dal Caucaso all’Egeo nell’Età del Bronzo”, in G. Comai, C. Frappi, G, Pedrini, E. Rova (a cura di), Armenia, Caucaso e Asia Centrale. Ricerche 2019 (Eurasiatica 12). Venezia: Edizioni Ca’ Foscari, 35-54.
- F. Bianchi, “Uno sguardo a Nord-Est. La Turchia Orientale e il Caucaso Meridionale nel Bronzo Tardo”, in G. Comai, C. Frappi, G, Pedrini, E. Rova (a cura di), Armenia, Caucaso e Asia Centrale. Ricerche 2019 (Eurasiatica 12). Venezia: Edizioni Ca’ Foscari.
- E. Rova, “Burial Customs between the Late Chalcolithic and the Early Bronze Age in the Shida Kartli Region of Georgia”, TÜBA-AR 2018, 37-56. DOI: 10.22520 / tubaar.2018.os.01.003.
- A. Passerini, E. Rova, E. Boaretto, “Chronology (and Chronologies) of the Kura-Araxes Culture in the Southern Caucasus: An Integrative Approach through Bayesian Analysis”, Origini 41, 81-138.
- I. Gagoshidze, E. Rova, “2013-2015 Activities of the Georgian-Italian Shida Kartli Archaeological Project at Aradetis Orgora (Georgia)”, in B. Horejs, C. Schwall, V. Müller, M. Luciani, M. Ritter, M. Giudetti, R. B. Salisbury, F. Höflmayer, T. Bürge (eds.), Proceedings of the 10th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East 25-29 April 2016, Vienna, vol. 2, Wiesbaden (Harrassovitz Verlag) 2018, 497-510.
- A. Passerini, E. Rova, E. Boaretto, “Revising the Absolute Chronology of the 4th and 3rd Millennium BCE in the Southern Caucasus”, in B. Horejs, Ch. Schwall, V. Müller, M. Luciani, M. Ritter, M. Giudetti, R. B. Salisbury, F. Höflmayer, T. Bürge (eds.), Proceedings of the 10th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East (25-29 April 2016, Vienna), vol. I, Wiesbaden (Harrassovitz Verlag), 161-172.
- V. Dall’Armellina, “Power of Symbols or Symbols of Power? The ‘long sword’ in the Near East and the Aegean in the second millennium BC”, Ancient Near Eastern Studies 54, 143-182.
- E. Carminati, “The Martqopi and Bedeni Components of the Early Kurgan Complex in Shida Kartli (Georgia): A Reappraisal of the Available Data”, in E. Rova, M. Tonussi (eds.), “At the Northern Frontier of Near Eastern Archaeology: Recent Research on Caucasia and Anatolia in the Bronze Age / An der Nordgrenze der vorderasiatischen Archäologie: Neue Forschung über Kaukasien und Anatolien in der Bronzezeit” (Publications of the Georgian-Italian Shida Kartli Archaeological Project, 2) (Proceedings of the international Humboldt-Kolleg Venice, January 9th-January 12th, 2013) (Subartu 38), Turnhout: Brepols, 2017, 173-188.
- E. Rova, A. Gilibert, “'Se la montagna non va a Maometto...' Per un’archeologia delle Alte Terre del Vicino Oriente”, in M. Betrò, S. De Martino, G. Miniaci, F. Pinnock (eds.), “Egitto e Vicino Oriente antichi: tra passato e futuro. Studi e Ricerche sull’Egitto e il Vicino Oriente in Italia” (I convegno nazionale, Pisa, 5-6 giugno 2017), Pisa: Pisa University Press 2018, 265-275.
- E. Rova, K. Gavagnin, E. Girotto, M. Tonussi, “Archeologia del Vicino Oriente antico a Ca' Foscari: dalla Mesopotamia al Caucaso”, in L. Sperti (ed.), Giornata dell'archeologia: scavi e ricerche del Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici (Studi e Ricerche 11), Venezia: Edizioni Ca’ Foscari, 23-37.
- E. Rova, M. Tonussi, “Editors' Introduction”, in E. Rova, M. Tonussi (eds.), “At the Northern Frontier of Near Eastern Archaeology: Recent Research on Caucasia and Anatolia in the Bronze Age / An der Nordgrenze der vorderasiatischen Archäologie: Neue Forschung über Kaukasien und Anatolien in der Bronzezeit” (Publications of the Georgian-Italian Shida Kartli Archaeological Project, 2) (Proceedings of the international Humboldt-Kolleg Venice, January 9th-January 12th, 2013) (Subartu 38), Turnhout: Brepols, 2017, 1-9.
- E. Rova, Z. Makharadze, M. Puturidze, “Khashuri Natsargora: New Research on the Kura-Araxes and Bedeni Cultures in Central Georgia”, in E. Rova, M. Tonussi (eds.), “At the Northern Frontier of Near Eastern Archaeology: Recent Research on Caucasia and Anatolia in the Bronze Age / An der Nordgrenze der vorderasiatischen Archäologie: Neue Forschung über Kaukasien und Anatolien in der Bronzezeit” (Publications of the Georgian-Italian Shida Kartli Archaeological Project, 2) (Proceedings of the international Humboldt-Kolleg Venice, January 9th-January 12th, 2013) (Subartu 38), Turnhout: Brepols, 2017, 153-171.
- I. Gagoshidze, E. Rova, “New Investigations at Aradetis Orgora, a Multiperiod Centre in the Shida Kartli Region in Georgia”, in A. Batmaz, G. Bedianashvili, A. Michalewicz, A. Robinson (eds.), “Context and Connection: Essays on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East in Honour of Antonio Sagona” (Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 268), Leuven: Peeters, 521-546.
- M. Tonussi, “Salt in the Economic System of Early Transcaucasian Culture (ETC): New Perspectives in the Interpretation of the ‘Migration’ Theory”, in E. Rova, M. Tonussi (eds.), “At the Northern Frontier of Near Eastern Archaeology: Recent Research on Caucasia and Anatolia in the Bronze Age / An der Nordgrenze der vorderasiatischen Archäologie: Neue Forschung über Kaukasien und Anatolien in der Bronzezeit” (Publications of the Georgian-Italian Shida Kartli Archaeological Project, 2) (Proceedings of the international Humboldt-Kolleg Venice, January 9th-January 12th, 2013) (Subartu 38), Turnhout: Brepols, 2017, 133-152.
- M. Babetto, K. Gavagnin, “Late Bronze/Early Iron Age Pottery from Natsargora, Khashuri Region (Georgia): a Preliminary Overview”, in E. Rova, M. Tonussi (eds.), “At the Northern Frontier of Near Eastern Archaeology: Recent Research on Caucasia and Anatolia in the Bronze Age / An der Nordgrenze der vorderasiatischen Archäologie: Neue Forschung über Kaukasien und Anatolien in der Bronzezeit” (Publications of the Georgian-Italian Shida Kartli Archaeological Project, 2) (Proceedings of the international Humboldt-Kolleg Venice, January 9th-January 12th, 2013) (Subartu 38), Turnhout: Brepols, 2017, 311-327.
- F. Bertoldi, I. Gagoshidze, E. Rova, R. Cameriere, “The Human Remains from Doghlauri Cemetery (Field Season 2015)”, in L. Bitadze, L. Mindadze, S. Laliashvili, D. Chitabnava, A. Ruadze (Eds.), Anthropology and Ethnology of Caucasus. Proceedings of International Conference dedicated to the 90th Anniversary of Academician Malkas Abdishelishvili, Tbilisi, Ivane Javakhishvili State University, 2016, 24-33.
- E. Rova, “Ricerche archeologiche dell'Università Ca' Foscari di Venezia in Georgia (2009-2014)”, in A. Ferrari, E. Ianiro (a cura di), Armenia, Caucaso e Asia Centrale. Ricerche 2016 (Eurasiatica 6), Venezia: Edizioni Ca’ Foscari, 37-64.
- I. Gagoshidze, E. Rova, “Two Seasons of Georgian-Italian Excavations at Aradetis Orgora (Georgia)”, Rivista di Archeologia 39 (2015),
- A. Passerini, L. Regev, E. Rova, E. Boaretto, "New Radiocarbon Dates for the Kura-Araxes Occupation at Aradetis Orgora, Georgia, Radiocarbon 2016" (published on line July 2016, Available on CJO2016 doi:10.1017/RDC.2016.37)
- E. Rova, “Ishtar in Shida Kartli? About a Recently Discovered Fragment of Stone Plaque”, in P. Corò, E. Devecchi, N. De Zorzi, M. Maiocchi (eds.) with the collaboration of S. Ermidoro and E. Scarpa, Libiamo ne’ lieti calici: Ancient Near Eastern Studies presented to Lucio Milano on the occasion of his 65th Birthday by Pupils, Colleagues and Friends (AOAT 436), Münster: Ugarit-Verlag, 2016, 511-531.
- G. Boschian, E. Rova, “Geoarchaeology and Soil Micromorphology of Early Bronze Age Anthropic Features from Natsargora Settlement (Southern Caucasus, Georgia). Preliminary data from the Georgian-Italian Shida Kartli Archaeological Project”, in P. Bieliński, M. Gawlikowski, R. Koliński, D. Ławecka, A. Sołtysiak, Z. Wygnańska (eds.), Proceedings of the 8th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East (30 April, 4 May 2012), Vol. 2: Excavation and Progress Reports, Posters, Wiesbaden (Harrassowitz Verlag), 383-400.
- E. Rova, Z. Makharadze, M. Puturidze, “New Research on the 3rd Millennium BC Cultures of the Southern Caucasus: The 2010 and 2011 field campaigns of the Georgian-Italian Shida Kartli Archaeological Project”, in P. Bieliński, M. Gawlikowski, R. Koliński, D. Ławecka, A. Sołtysiak, Z. Wygnańska (eds.), Proceedings of the 8th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East (30 April, 4 May 2012), Vol. 2: Excavation and Progress Reports, Posters, Wiesbaden (Harrassowitz Verlag), 401-416.
- E. Rova, “The Third Field Season (2011) of the Georgian-Italian Shida Kartli Archaeological Project” (Rivista scientifica on-line “Archeogate”, 11 gennaio 2012).
- M. Puturidze, E. Rova, “The Joint Shida Kartli Archaeological Project: Aims and Results of the First Field Season (Autumn 2009)”, in R. Matthews, J. Curtis et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 7th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East, 12-16 April 2010, the British Museum and UCL, London, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2012, 51-70 (ISBN 978-3-447-06686-0).
- S. Furlani, G. Monegato, A. Stinghen, E. Rova, D. Kuparadze, G. Boschian, M. Massironi, A. Bondesan, “Paleohydrographic Evolution and its Influence on Human Settlement in the Karthaliny Basin (Georgia)”, in Alpine and Mediterranean Quaternary (AMQ) 2012, 57-66.
- E. Rova, “The Second Field Season (2010) of the Georgian-Italian Shida Kartli Archaeological Project” (Rivista scientifica on-line “Archeogate”, 6 giugno 2011).
- E. Rova, “The First Field Season (2009) of the Georgian-Italian Shida Kartli Archaeological Project” (Rivista scientifica on-line “Archeogate”, 12 maggio 2011).
- E. Rova, “Aims and First Results of the Joint Shida Kartli Archeological Project”, in A. Shanshiashvili (ed.) “The Caucasus: Georgia on the Crossroads. Cultural Exchanges Across Europe and Beyond” (Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium of Georgian Art, Firenze 2-9 Novembre 2009), Tbilisi 2011, 66-71.
- S. Furlani, A. Stinghen, L. Bertoldi, E. Boaretto, A. Bondesan, D. Kuparadze, M. Massironi, G. Monegato, E. Rova, “Integrating Archeological and Geomorphological Data to evaluate the Late-Holocene Behaviour of the Kartalini Basin (Georgia)”, in “Il Quaternario”, 24 (Special number) 2011.
- Z. Makharadze, M. Puturidze, E. Rova, “Results of the Joint Shida Kartli Georgian-Italian Project: Perspectives of Research on the Natsargora Settlement and Cemetery”, in AA.VV., “Georgian archaeology at the turn of the 21st century: results and perspectives”, Tbilisi 2011, 92-95.
- E. Rova, M. Puturidze, Z. Makharadze, “The Georgian-Italian Shida Kartli Archaeological Project: A Report on the First Two Field Seasons 2009 and 2010”, Rivista di Archeologia 34, 2010 (2011), 5-30.
PhD theses
- Francesco Bianchi
The chronology and the periodisation of the cultures of Southern Caucasus in the 2nd half of the II millennium BC and their relations with the neighbouring regions (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, 2024). - Vittoria dall’Armellina
La rivoluzione aristocratica. "Insignia dignitatis" nell’Età del Bronzo, dal Caucaso Meridionale all’Egeo (Università Ca' Foscari di Venezia 2020). - Davit Darejanashvili
An attempt at re-defining the Late Bronze/Early Iron Age sequence of the Shida Kartli region of Georgia (Southern Caucasus) on the basis of data from recent excavations (Università Ca' Foscari di Venezia, 2017). - Marta Aquilano
Installazioni da fuoco in Anatolia nell'Antico e Medio Bronzo. Confronti tra le comunità dell'Anatolia centrale e orientale (Università Ca' Foscari di Venezia, 2017). - Eleonora Carminati
The Emergence of Inequality in the Southern Caucasus: The Early Kurgan Period (2800–2100 BC). (University of Melbourne, 2016). - Monica Tonussi
Il fenomeno della cultura “transcaucasica” nel quadro delle relazioni interregionali tra la fine del IV e il III millennio a.C. (Università Ca' Foscari di Venezia, 2009).
Specialisation theses
- Sara Maria Stellacci
Archeologia sperimentale e analisi delle tracce tecnologiche e funzionali: lo studio dei manufatti in materia dura animale. Il caso di studio degli strumenti di Tsiteli Gorebi 5 (Lagodekhi, Georgia) (Scuola Interateneo di Specializzazione in Beni Archeologici SISBA, 2020). - Laura Tonetto
La ceramica dell'Età del Ferro di Aradetis Orgora (Scuola Interateneo di Specializzazione in Beni Archeologici SISBA, 2020). - Anna Chiara Muscogiuri
Analisi antracologiche di campioni provenienti dal sito archeologico di Aradetis Orgora (Shida Kartli, Georgia) (Scuola Interateneo di Specializzazione in Beni Archeologici SISBA, 2019). - Flavia Amato
Aradetis Orgora: strumenti litici da un sito del Caucaso Meridionale, Georgia (Scuola Interateneo di Specializzazione in Beni Archeologici SISBA, 2017). - Livia Gervasi
Installazioni da fuoco del periodo del Bronzo Tardo nel sito archeologico di Aradetis Orgora (Georgia). (Scuola Interateneo di Specializzazione in Beni Archeologici SISBA, 2016). - Veronica Scandellari
Archeozoologia sul campo: un approccio archeologico all'analisi del dato faunistico. Il caso studio del sito di Natsargora, Khashuri, Georgia. (Scuola Interateneo di Specializzazione in Beni Archeologici SISBA, 2016).
MA theses
- Stefania Fiori
The Kurgans of the Alazani Valley: a Remote-Sensing Study (Università Ca' Foscari di Venezia, 2020). - Andrea Milanese
Il periodo di Transizione tra Medio Bronzo e Tardo Bronzo nel Caucaso Meridionale. Analisi della sequenza dei sondaggi A e B del sito di Aradetis Orgora (Georgia) (Università Ca' Foscari di Venezia, 2020). - Francesco Bianchi
I Vicini Settentrionali. Le popolazioni della Turchia Orientale e del Caucaso Meridionale all’epoca delle grandi potenze regionali (Università Ca' Foscari di Venezia, 2018). - Eleonora Venier
I luoghi dell'archeologia. Il parco archeologico di Aradetis Orgira, Shida Kartli, Georgia. (Tesi di Laurea Magistrale in "Architettura per il nuovo e l'antico", IUAV Venezia). - Beatrice Barbiero
Scelte di sussistenza nella Transcaucasia dell'Età del Bronzo: analisi paleofaunistica di loci selezionati del sito di Aradetis Orgora, Georgia. (Università Ca' Foscari di Venezia, 2017) - Annapaola Passerini
Radiocarbon Dates from the 4th and 3rd Millennium in the Southern Caucasus. Defining a Regional Absolute Chronology. (Università Ca' Foscari di Venezia, 2015). - Laura Mafizzoli
Di paesaggi persi e ritrovati. Scontri, pratiche e narrative di un'etnografia dell'abitare a Doghlauri, Georgia centrale (Tesi Magistrale in "Antropologia culturale, etnologia, etnolinguistica", relatore Gianluca Ligi, Università Ca' Foscari di Venezia, 2015). - Laura Tonetto
La Chaff-faced Ware tra Alta Mesopotamia e Transcaucasia (Università Ca' Foscari di Venezia, 2013). - Martina Babetto
Analisi archeometriche di frammenti ceramici di Antico e Tardo Bronzo, provenienti dal sito di Khashuri Natsargora (Georgia). (Università Ca' Foscari Venezia. 2012). - Giulia De Nobili
Archeologia del Paesaggio nel Caucaso Meridionale: Considerazioni preliminari sulle dinamiche di insediamento nel Bronzo Antico in Georgia. (Università Ca' Foscari di Venezia, 2012). - Silvia Defend
Carri e modellini di carro tra Mesopotamia e Transcaucasia nel IV-III millennio a.C.: un confronto. (Università Ca' Foscari di Venezia, 2012). - Eleonora Carminati
La cultura Bedeni e il fenomeno degli Early Kurgans (Università Ca' Foscari di Venezia, 2011). - Alberto Stinghen
Evoluzione tettonica e geomorfologica del bacino di Kartalini, Georgia (tesi di Laurea Magistrale in Geologia, Università degli Studi di Padova, 2011).
BA theses
- Andrea Milanese
La transizione tra il Medio Bronzo e il Tardo Bronzo nella regione del Caucaso. Analisi del processo di rioccupazione del territorio (Università Ca' Foscari di Venezia, 2017). - Laura Tonetto
Influssi mesopotamici nella produzione ceramica del Tardo Calcolitico della Transcaucasia (Università Ca' Foscari di Venezia, 2010). - Martina Babetto
Analisi archeometriche di frammenti ceramici provenienti dal sito di Natsagora, Georgia (Università Ca' Foscari Venezia 2010). - Manuel Rosso
Analisi archeozoologica dei reperti faunistici dell’Antico Bronzo provenienti dal sito di Natsargora, Georgia (Università Ca' Foscari Venezia 2010). - Anna Sciantarelli
Caratteri petrografici di campioni ceramici da siti georgiani del IV-III millennio a.C. appartenenti alle culture Kura Araxes e Bedeni (Università degli Studi di Padova 2010). - Cristina Pedrocco
La cultura di Trialeti: un'analisi preliminare (Università Ca' Foscari Venezia 2010).