
One of the main objectives of Age-It is to overcome the fragmentation of the different study and research realities by bringing the scientific community dealing with the aging population to a single holistic, interdisciplinary and problem solving approach.

Age-It, therefore, involves a significant critical mass of partners, which include universities, research and training institutes, businesses and healthcare institutions. The actors in the research, healthcare and welfare system come from the public, private and/or non-profit sectors, with the aim of creating a direct bridge "from research to industry and to the market".

The main themes of the research activities are:

  1. Define an interdisciplinary blueprint for long-term analysis of aging in the national and international panorama.
  2. Promote innovation that has an impact on the well-being of senior citizens and society, with attention to sustainable development, through an approach that has the individual at its centre.
  3. Reduce inequalities in aging by developing models of a new architecture of the welfare System that leads Italy to be a more inclusive and cohesive society. The pension system, the healthcare system, Long Term Care and technology are the subject of analysis.
  4. Train new generations of scholars attentive to the issues of gender and generational equities, increasing social capital together with economic growth.
  5. Reduce the gap between the academic world and the productive world through training that addresses concrete challenges.

The specific areas of study are:

  • the labor market
  • the production and exchange of goods and services
  • the financial and insurance markets
  • the demand for health and assistance
  • the solutions for a new architecture of the welfare state (including pensions, long-term health care and assistance of non-self-sufficient elderly people)

strengthening the role of the individual in society.