Recent and forthcoming conference, workshop and seminar participations


14 April 2025 - 5th PURA workshop: νέαι Ἀθῆναι: Atticist and Attic models in Byzantine language
Speakers: Federica Benuzzi (Ca' Foscari University of Venice), Rolando Ferri (University of Pisa), Enrico Emanuele Prodi (University of Cagliari), Ioanna Manolessou (Academy of Athens), Johannes Niehoff-Panagiotidis (Freie Universität Berlin), Luigi Silvano (University of Turin), Annamaria Taragna (University of Turin).
Programme forthcoming.


16-17 December 2024, Conference "Paideia greco-romana tra retorica e lessicografia: Forme, personaggi , momenti dell'educazione antica di età imperiale", Università di Messina

  • Jacopo Cavarzeran, “Trasmettere Polluce a Bisanzio”
  • Federico Favi, “La lingua 'glossematica' di Senofonte nel giudizio degli antichi”
  • Olga Tribulato, "Pollux simul auctus et breviatus. Canoni linguistici e mutamenti di modelli tra l'Onomasticon e i suoi excerpta nel Marc. gr. Z 490"

2-3 December 2024, Workshop "Ancient and Byzantine Scholarship: Current Trends and Future Prospects", Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

  • Jacopo Cavarzeran, “Questioning the Onomasticon: some remarks on Pollux’s textual tradition”
  • Federico Favi, “Ancient scholarship on Xenophon's 'glossematic' language”
  • Olga Tribulato, "'Poaching in Suidas': Evidence for diachronic change and language variation in a Byzantine lexicon"

4 October 2024 - Conference “Teaching and Learning Greek in Byzantium 2: Learning and Using Vocabulary in Byzantium and Beyond (Ghent University)”
4/10/2024 - Registration and programme

  • Olga Tribulato (chair, session "Dictionaries and Their Use")
  • Federica Benuzzi, “Evaluative Terminology on Language and Style in Photios’ Lexicon”
  • Giulia Gerbi, “A Matter of Perspective: The Label (ὡς) ἡμεῖς in Photios’ Lexicon, with an Eye to the Synagoge tradition and the Suda”

17 May 2024 - Fourth PURA workshop: “La trasmissione di testi atticisti e grammaticali nella tarda Bisanzio”
Ca’ Foscari (Aula Marino Berengo), Ca' Foscari University of Venice and online on Zoom
Speakers: Maria Giovanna Sandri (SNS Pisa), Jacopo Cavarzeran (Ca’ Foscari – PURA), Ugo Mondini (Oxford), Giuseppe Ucciardello (Messina), Ottavia Mazzon (Bologna), Andrea Cuomo – Grigory Vorobyev (Gent)

17 January 2024 - Third PURA workshop: “Ἀττικοί and Ἕλληνες: Atticism and koine between linguistic practice and grammatical theory”
Speakers: Roberto Batisti (PURA), Klaas Bentein (Ghent), Luuk Huitink (Amsterdam), Daniel Kölligan (Würzburg), Gabriella Rubulotta (Messina), Liana Tronci (Siena Stranieri). Introduction by Olga Tribulato. With the participation of Albio Cesare Cassio (Emeritus, Rome Sapienza), Andrea Massimo Cuomo (Ghent) and the PURA team.


9 November 2023 - Olga Tribulato, "The sound of Attic: Practices of linguistic imitation in Greek imperial texts"
Faculty of Classics, University of Cambridge
Hosted jointly by the Cambridge Centre for Greek Studies and the Cambridge Philological Society

23 October - 19 November 2023
Olga Tribulato is Lewis-Gibson Visiting Fellow at the Cambridge Centre for Greek Studies

21-22 September 2023 (22 September) - Olga Tribulato, "Sounding Attic in imperial inscriptions"
Keynote lecture, Greek Dialectology Conference "Perceptions and social uses of the Ancient Greek dialects", University of Oxford

1-3 September 2023 - Olga Tribulato and Elisa Nuria Merisio, "Digital approaches to Greek lexicography: The Digital Encyclopedia of Atticism"
International workshop “Classical texts in digital media”, University of Patras

11-14 July 2023 (11 July) - Giulia Gerbi, "‘Old’ norms, ‘new’ authors: the enriching of the canon in Thomas Magister’s Eclogue"
Panel “Interfacing with linguistic norms, 323 BCE – 1453 CE”, 14th Celtic Conference in Classics, Coimbra

27-28 June (27 June) - Federico Favi and Jacopo Cavarzeran, "Preparing the Praeparatio: Challenges and opportunities in re‐editing Phrynichus’ Praeparatio Sophistica"
Workshop “Editing Ancient Grammatical Texts: Challenges and Opportunities”, Wolfson College, Oxford

9 June 2023 - Olga Tribulato, "The Atticist lexicographers on lexical change and morphological innovation: between criticism and anchoring strategies"
Keynote lecture, Workshop “Anchoring lexical innovation”, University of Amsterdam

9 May 2023 - Jacopo Cavarzeran, "C'era due volte Polluce: leggere l’Onomasticon in età paleologa"
Settimana dottorale veneziana, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice


2 December 2022 - Olga Tribulato, "Postclassical Greek in Atticist lexicography"
Invited paper, 3rd meeting of the Postclassical Greek network “Standardization processes and language variation in Postclassical Greek”, Cologne University

PURA receives FARE grant from Italian Ministry of University
PURA has received a grant of 260,000 euros from the Italian Ministry of University within the FARE programme, aimed at strengthening the research of ERC-funded projects in the fields of innovation and impact on cultural heritage. Through this additional funding, PURA will further develop its digital resource, the Digital Encyclopedia of Atticism, and provide it with a more sophisticated data structuring, improving its compliance with current practices in the Digital Humanities, and enhancing its longevity. Within the FARE sub-project, PURA will hire a new team member, who will work on the Digital Humanities aspects of the project. Read the full news on CFnews.

26 September 2022 - 2nd PURA workshop “How to become a skilled rhetor: Theories of language and style in Phrynichus’ Praeparatio sophistica and their afterlife”, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
Speakers: Ewen Bowie (Oxford), Margherita Losacco (Padova), Chiara Monaco (Ghent), and Giuseppe Ucciardello (Messina); members of the PURA advisory board, Ioanna Manolessou (Athens), Emanuele Dettori (Roma Tor Vergata) and Paolo Scattolin (Verona).

  • Jacopo Cavarzeran, "Praeparatio onomastica(?)"
  • Federico Favi, "How did the epitomiser work? The epitome of the Praeparatio and the indirect transmission in comparison"
  • Giulia Gerbi, "Καινῶς εἴρηται: καινότης in the Praeparatio sophistica"
  • Andrea Pellettieri, "Learned Rudeness: Abusing expressions in the Praeparatio Sophistica"
  • Olga Tribulato, "Stylistic terminology in the Praeparatio sophistica"

For details, please see the programme below.

23-24 August 2022 - 24th International Congress of Byzantine Studies
PURA participates in two sessions in the 24th International Congress of Byzantine Studies. On 23 August, 5.30pm, Giulia Gerbi will be giving a paper in the session FC37 - Environmental Humanities: Nature, Animals and Landscape on "The Vocibus Animalium and Lexicographical Tradition: Some Echoes of the Atticist Debate". On 24 August, at 5pm, Olga Tribulato will present the PURA project at the Special Session - Opportunities Forum, organised by the Development Commission of the Association Internationale des Études Byzantines (AIEB) and the Associazione Italiana di Studi Bizantini (AISB).

6, 8, 27 and 29 April 2022, Venice - "La teoria degli stili nella retorica greca di età imperiale"
Seminars by Alessandro Vatri (University of Oxford)
Visiting scholar, Department of Humanities, and PURA visiting fellow

19 January 2022, Venice - Phrynichus' Eclogue: structure, context and reception
First PURA workshop


Why studying ancient linguistic purism matters today
The magazine Lingua italiana of the Treccani Foundation commissioned from Olga a short article on why studying ancient linguistic purism matters today. The article is accessible online [ITA]. As part of its outreach activities, PURA is running a project on linguistic purism and language identity from antiquity to the present day with two schools: Liceo classico Palmieri (Lecce) and Liceo classico Franchetti (Mestre).

file pdf 04/02-20/05/2021 - "Linguisti in erba" [ITA]
In cooperation wuth Liceo classico Palmieri (Lecce) and Liceo classico Franchetti (Mestre)
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