Condorito: using graphic humor to untangle subjectivities of trauma, classes, gender, and the idea of race across Chile’s divided memory (1970-1990)
CONCHILMEM is a multidisciplinary historical research project that seeks to aid coming to terms with collective memory and trauma through the lens of graphic humor in the context of Salvador Allende’s Chilean Road to Socialism (1970-1973) and the military regime of Augusto Pinochet (1973-1990), a period crucial to understanding Chile’s present-day political and constitutional renewal. The project does so by means of the renowned Condorito comic strip, created by Pepo (René Ríos Boettiger, 1911-2000) in 1949 and a beacon of Chilean popular culture and local identity that transcended political positions and eluded censorship.
CONCHILMEM interprets multidimensional cultural trauma in Chile through white humor, presents a new path through the field of transnational history within Cold War studies, and offers the first examination of the Condorito strip in this context. The aim is to put forward a new perspective on memory studies through fresh interpretations in the fields of social and cultural history, approaching intersubjectivity via intersectional methods and theories.
In addition, CONCHILMEM studies its creator, Pepo, through a collection of his personal letters, unravelling gender relations over the course of the twentieth century by focusing on the history of emotions and urban history. By assessing Pepo’s genealogy through his letters, CONCHILMEM helps to establish a more profound connection between national memory-making and the role of comic strips as a medium through which these processes take place.
By focusing on memory and comics from Latin America, along with various sources upon which to base new data for examination, CONCHILMEM aspires to build bridges for regional, transatlantic, and global comparisons; drive better understanding of contemporary societies in general; connect with emotions while revisiting the illustrator’s intimate past; and help society to address and cope with divided memory.
By untangling cultural trauma in Chile during the toughest period of the Cold War through graphic humor, the general research objective is to put forward a fresh approach to memory studies, along with new interpretations in the fields of comics and trauma, intersectional perspectives, a history of emotions vis-á-vis Pepo, and cultural history.
The specific research objectives are threefold:
- The first is to study the graphic art of Condorito during the 1970s as Chile was undergoing a complete economic, political, and social turnaround, and to address through the strips the collapse of democracy and the hidden role of ruptured perceptions, memory, conceptualizations of trauma in class gender identities, and transformation from past to present.
- The second objective is to create a history of emotions through Pepo’s personal correspondence in order to disentangle gender relations and their ties with urban history during the process of modernization that Chile underwent during the twentieth century.
- The third objective is to map historical processes from Chile’s recent past through the eyes of Chilean illustrators and collectors who experienced the period, and through those of young people today vis-à-vis this icon of popular culture: Condorito.

Special events
5-8/12/2024 - Salón del Cómic at the Guadalajara International Book Fair (FIL GDL)
The sixth edition of the Salón del Cómic at the Guadalajara International Book Fair (FIL GDL) was dedicated to Condorito on its 75th anniversary, and to its creator, the Chilean illustrator, Pepo. The event featured two exhibitions, and a program arranged as part of CONCHILMEM, that included a workshop titled “Dibujando a Condorito” with Rubén “Rupa” Eyzaguirre, who worked with Pepo for over 20 years.
About the exhibitions, one dedicated to Condorito, funded by FIL GDL at the Salón del Cómic, and another exhibition dedicated to Pepo at Av. Ilustradores, funded by the Chilean Embassy in Mexico. The project was also supported by PROChile, DIRAC and MINCAP. Both exhibitions were curated by Claudia Stern with the support of Fundación Pepo.
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Programme 5-8/12/2024 [SPA] | 160 KB |
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7/12/2024 - Book launch
"Cartas para Pepo: intimidad, género y clase (Chile, s. XX.). Emociones y espacio en la vida del dibujante René Ríos Boettiger". Book launch at the Salón del Cómic, Guadalajara International Book Fair, FIL GDL. Moderator: Sara Luna (El Colegio de México). Presenters: Mario Barbosa (UAM Cuajimalpa), Ana Josefina Cuevas (Universidad de Colima), and the author. Hosted by Editorial Universidad de Guadalajara at Salón del Cómic FIL GDL; sponsored by the Chilean Embassy in Mexico; and funded by Consejo Nacional del Libro y la Lectura (MINCAP), Gobierno de Chile. |
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25-26/11/2024 - International Conference
"Between the spatial and the visual: Gender, trauma and memory during the Cold War in Latin America"
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Conference programme 25-26/11/2024 | 2 MB |
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Call for contributions for the dossier n° 28 Trashumante [ESP]
“Entre lo espacial y lo visual: género, trauma y memoria durante la Guerra Fría en América Latina” (julio-diciembre, 2026). Submission deadline: 16/05/2025 Instructions for authors [ESP] Official website of the call [ESP] |
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Call for papers: 25-26/11/2024 conference "Between the spatial and the visual: Gender, trauma and memory in the Ibero-American Cold War" [ESP - ENG - POR]
Abstract submission deadline: 25/04/2024. Submissions to: |
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Other activities
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14-15/02/2025 - IHC Economy and Society Group research retreat [POR]
At the University of Évora As a visiting researcher at the Institute of Contemporary History at Nova University Lisbon (IHC), I joined the “Economy and Society - State, Classes and Gender” research group’s Évora academic retreat Paper presented: “«It’s as if the prisoners were all men, but many women were tortured and disappeared there too»: Women, trauma, and memory at Chile’s National Stadium (1973-2019)” |
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12/02/2025 - Book presentation: "Cartas para Pepo: intimidad, género y clase (Chile, siglo XX). Emociones y espacio en la vida del dibujante René Ríos Boettiger" [POR-SPA]
IHC Research Group at Tigre de Papel Bookshop, Lisbon As a visiting researcher at the Institute of Contemporary History at Nova University Lisbon (IHC), I presented my recent book at the “Culture - Power, Mediations and Arts” research group’s “Oficina História e Imagem” research seminar |
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7-8/11/2024 - International Colloqium “La cultura y la representación social en las sociedades del cómic sobre la Edad Moderna y Contemporánea” [SPA]
At Universidad de Málaga, Spain. Paper presented: “¡REFLAUTA! lo íntimo, lo agencial y lo censurable Pepo y Condorito, 75 años de historia” |
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27/09/2024 - CONCHILMEM at Venetonight [ITA]
CONCHILMEM have joined this year’s Venetonight for the 15th edition of European Researchers Night with a 75th-anniversary bilingual exhibition titled “Pepo e Condorito: 75 anni di storia di Cile per il mondo,” sponsored by the Chilean Embassy in Italy |
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9-11/09/2024 - International colloqium "Émotions et dynamiques sociales Europe / Amériques: regards croisés” [FRA]
At Université de Bretagne Occidentale Brest, France. Paper presented: “Cartas para Pepo: emociones, tensiones de clase y género entre Santiago y Concepción, Chile década de 1930” |
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4-6/09/2024 - V International Conference of the Asociación Latinoamericana e Ibérica de Historial Social [SPA]
At Castellón de la Plana, Spain.
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13 and 20/08/2024, 11/12/2024 - Condoriencuentros workshop: "Condorito y el pasado reciente en Chile" [SPA]
The Condoriencuentros workshops involved students of Colegio Nuevo Horizonte in Chile aged 15-17 years. The workshops embody new ways of discussing the past through the white humor of Condorito, bringing young people closer to the country’s history and the work of one of its main illustrators, Pepo |
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7/08/2024 - conference organizer and presenter: "¡Exijo una explicación!: 75 años de Condorito" [SPA]
Together wit the Department of History at Universidad de Concepción, Chile. Paper presented: “Si somos pobres pero honrados: intimidad del intercambio epistolar de Pepo en Condorito” |
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8/05/2024 - lecture “Historia y memoria de las dictaduras de Francisco Franco y Augusto Pinochet” [ITA]
Joint lecture with Marina Cardoso (Universidad de la República, Uruguay) at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. Host: Dr. Luis Beneduzi. Paper presented: “CHILE en DICTADURA: espacio y memoria. La llama eterna de la libertad, Plaza Bulnes (1973-1990)” |
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16/04/2024 - conference “Arte, solidarietà e diplomazia. Il Cile e la Biennale Arte 1974. XIII Scrittoio della Biennale” [ITA]
At Iuav University of Venice. Paper presented: “¡A TRABAJAR POR CHILE!: Cultura visual y solidaridad en los largos sesentas” |
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CONCHILMEM in the press
- El Sur, Concepción, 26/12/2024:
“Un trabajo de la historiadora Claudia Stern: Libro ahonda en el intercambio epistolar del dibujante Pepo” [SPA] - El Mercurio de Valparaíso (p. 24), 8/12/2024:
“Condorito triunfa en Feria del libro de Guadalajara” - Milenio, 6/12/2024:
“El recuerdo de ‘Condorito’ llega la FIL Guadalajara” [SPA] - La Mendiga Politica, 5/12/2024:
“¡Condorito, hermano, eres latinoamericano!” [SPA] - Feria Internacional del Libro de Guadalajara, 5/12/2024:
“¡Condorito, hermano, eres latinoamericano! Con el festejo de los 75 años de Condorito, y su impacto en nuestra cultura, arrancó el Salón del Cómic + Novela Gráfica” [SPA] - Cámara Mexicana Chilena de Comercio e Inversión, 2/12/2024:
“Chile estará en la Feria Internacional del Libro de Guadalajara 2024 con homenaje a José Donoso” [SPA] - El Sur, Concepción, 11/08/2024:
“Popular personaje complió 75 años el martes recién pasado. !Pepo es de Conce! y las huellas penquistas que persiguen a Condorito" [SPA] - El Sur, Concepción, 7/08/2024:
“Penquista de nacimiento, Pepo dio vida al pajarraco en 1949. ‘Condoritojornadas’ festejan los 75 años del popular personaje" - El Sur, Concepción, 31/07/2024:
“Jornada en el Auditorio de Humaninades y Arte de la UdeC. Mundo académico reflexiona sobre rol de Pepo y su personaje Condorito" [SPA]