Communication in Ancient Anatolia

© S. Rutishauser/A. Payne


The project addresses the question of messages, modes and participants in the communication of three Anatolian cultures, Lydians, Luwians and Phrygians, ca. 1200-546 BCE. Living in adjacent territories, they were in contact with one another. The project will be the first to study both internal and external sources from other Ancient Near Eastern and Classical texts together, using a combined semiotic and narratological approach examining text structure, processes of meaning-making, communication and transmission.

CAncAn - Communication in Ancient Anatolia

Texts and their material supports not only generate and exchange meaning, they also preserve information on communication processes in the context of specific realms. Reading these texts with a focus on narrative and discourse will allow a new insight into formative parameters of ancient societies, especially values, cognitive patterns, and the needs and motifs of the participants. This marks a huge shift from traditional, event-based readings towards an analysis of belief and behaviour.

The project will apply and adapt concepts from semiotics and narratology, which were developed for the study of the modern world and have never before been applied to the study of these ancient texts. The project will draw a new picture of cultural clusters and their parameters, and provide new data for understanding ancient and modern identities and the potential of cultural differences.


Conferences and workshops


file pdf “Interconnectivity and Communication. Cultural and Intellectual Transmission in Ancient Anatolia”
21-23 May 2025, Ca' Foscari University of Venice - Department of Humanities (organizers: S. Elti di Rodeano, Š. Velhartická, N. Lovejoy, A. Payne)
Ca’ Foscari Zattere, Dorsoduro 1392, Fondamenta Zattere, 30123 Venice
2 MB


  • “State Formation and Re-Urbanisation in Iron Age Levant”
    25-28 November 2024, Conference Centre Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland (organizers: A. Berlejung, A. Meir, M. Novák, A. Payne)
  • “Grapholinguistics in the 21st Century”
    23-25 October 2024, Ca' Foscari University of Venice (organizers: S. Elti di Rodeano, Y. Haralambous)
file pdf Venetonight 2024 - Poster [ITA]
27 September 2024, "Venetonight - la notte della ricerca", Ca' Foscari University of Venice. Poster "Alla scoperta dell'antica Anatolia"
5 MB
file pdf Venetonight 2024 - Didactic materials [ITA] 1 MB
file pdf Venetonight 2024 - Solutions [ITA] 369 KB
file pdf “Writing and Cognition in Interdisciplinary Perspective”
25-30 August 2024, Conference Centre Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland (organizers: R. Müri, K. Overmann, A. Payne)
267 KB


Annick Payne

Principal Investigator

Isidora Freris

Research manager