Arabic Linguistic Discourse in the Making

Classical Arabic is a striking example of how cultural factors shape not only the use of a language but also its systematization and codification. The ALiDiM project delves into this fascinating interplay to understand how a language operates as a culture-based means of communication; it centers around a metalinguistic analysis of the process of codification of Classical Arabic, as it has been described by early scholars of the Arabic linguistic tradition.

ALiDiM - Arabic Linguistic Discourse in the Making

The project explores the formation and development of the Arabic linguistic thinking and the grammar-making of Classical Arabic, examining the linguistic and extralinguistic factors that contributed to these processes. This includes the role of scholars in the language-making and the influence of other linguistic traditions.

By delving into Arabic grammatical and lexicographical sources from the 7th to the 10th centuries, ALiDiM offers a comprehensive look at how Classical Arabic was originally described and systematized. This approach illuminates the significant role of scholars and the profound relationship between language and culture.
Moreover, the project highlights how linguistic literatures can be interpreted as reflections of socio-political instances, showing how the development of Classical Arabic was a cultural and intellectual endeavor as much as a linguistic one.

Through this investigation, ALiDiM provides fresh insights into the formative period of Classical Arabic, illustrating its pivotal role in configuring and challenging cultural and social boundaries.
This project offers valuable perspectives on the intersection of language, culture, and identity, showcasing the enduring legacy of Classical Arabic in the Arabic-speaking world.