Activities and publications


28-30/08/2024 - “Foundations of Arab Linguistics”, Keio University, Tokyo (Japan)

From August 28 to 30, 2024, Simona Olivieri participated in the 7th edition of the "Foundations of Arab Linguistics (FAL)" conference, held at Keio University in Tokyo, Japan.
She presented a paper titled “Language Legacy and Language Ideology: Primary Sources and Corpus Planning”, where she explored the intersections of language legacies and ideologies, emphasizing the critical role of primary sources in shaping corpus planning strategies in the Arabic linguistic tradition.

The next edition of the conference, “Foundations of Arabic Linguistics 8,” will be hosted by Simona Olivieri and the ALiDiM project at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice in September 2026.

Courtesy of FAL7.


  • Olivieri, Simona. Forthcoming. “Pathways of Knowledge Transmission: From the Greek to the Arabic Linguistic Tradition.” In “La Connexion Abbaside,” edited by Lionel Dumarty and Margherita Farina. Special issue, «Histoire Épistémologie Langage» 46 (2).
  • Olivieri, Simona. Forthcoming. “The Language Legacy: Primary Sources and Corpus Planning.” «Quaderni di Studi Arabi».
  • Olivieri, Simona. Forthcoming. “Traditions Blending in: Contributions to the Arabic Linguistic Thinking.” «Folia Orientalia» 61.

Events and other activities

  • Olivieri, Simona. 2024. “How to Write Successful Project? - The View of ERC Grantee from the Humanities.” Presented at the webinar on the preparation of successful applications for current calls of the European Research Council - ERC (Starting, Consolidator and Synergy Grant), University of Maribor, online event, October 1, 2024.
  • Fiori, Emiliano, Simona Olivieri, and Joseph Sanzo. 2024. “Writing and Presenting an ERC Proposal: Tips and Tricks from Three PIs.” Presented at the Department research day - DSAAM, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Venice, October 30, 2024.
  • De Bianchi, Silvia (chair), Bianca De Divitiis, Elena Pettinelli, Donato Giovannelli, Roberta Raffaetà, Daniel Omodeo, and Simona Olivieri. 2024. “Mappare l’universo: una prospettiva multidisciplinare”. Roundtable at the ERC Days@Ca’ Foscari - The Future of European Researchers’ Competitiveness: Fundamental Research and the European Research Council (ERC), Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Venice, November 14-15, 2024.