Strategic Investments in Mitigation, Adaptation, and Recycling Innovations at Basic Scale


The objective of this study is to construct a long-term and integrated water-energy-economic model that facilitates:

  • the incorporation of an intertemporal investment and endogenous technological change into the water-economic modeling framework.
  • the assessment of optimal investments over time, which promote the adoption of mitigation, adaptation, and resources recovery strategies.
  • the investigation of the impacts of environmental changes (climate or water supply) and techno-economic instruments (price and non-price) on resource uses (water, land, energy), technology adoption rates, economic welfare, and potential for reducing greenhouse gas emissions.


The proposed model comprises four modules: water, land use, energy, and economics. These modules are designed to work together to provide a comprehensive analysis of the interdependent relationships between water, land, energy, and economics.
The water module is built considering water flow, water distribution and use interlinkages as well as technological advancement effects in water system.
The land use module reflects the dependence of crop yield and biomass on land, water, fertilizer uses.
The energy module considers energy demand (fuel and electricity) for all water supply and agricultural operations, and energy supplies from both fossil and renewable sources.
The economics module maximizes net benefits over time and considers the intertemporal allocation of income between consumption and investments to enhance the recovery of capital stocks and to adopt adaptation, mitigation, resource recovery technologies. Income generation in the model depends on labor, capital, land, water, fertilizer and energy use constraints.
The developed model will be applied to the case Central Asia, particularly Uzbekistan, where water scarcity and environmental degradation are serious challenges due to climate change, inefficient water institutions, and outdated infrastructure. To assess climate impact scenarios, the integrated water-energy-economic model is combined with downscaled assessments of regional climate impact outcomes from global climate models.



  • Bekchanov M, 2024. The impacts of technological change policies on water uses and virtual water trade in water-constrained settings. Journal of Cleaner Production, 456, 142378. DOI:
  • Bekchanov M, 2024. Conveyance efficiency and irrigation water productivity under varying water supply conditions in arid lowlands of Central Asia. Agricultural Water Management 293, 108697, DOI:
  • Babajanova M, Bobojonov I, Bekchanov M, Kuhn L, Glauben T, 2024. Can domestic wheat farming meet the climate change-induced challenges of national food security in Uzbekistan?, International Journal of Water Resources Development, DOI:
  • Bekchanov M, 2024 (Under preparation). Long-term investments in sustainable transition of irrigation system in Uzbekistan

Conference presentations

  • Bekchanov M, 2024. The impacts of technological improvements on water uses and virtual water trade in Uzbekistan. International Input-Output Association (IIOA) Conference, July 1-5, Santiago, Chile
  • Bekchanov M, 2023. Integrated Assessment Model for analyzing Water-Energy-Food nexus in Central Asia. Italian Association of Environmental Resource Economists (IAERE) Conference, February 23-24, Naples, Italy
  • Bekchanov M, 2023. Possible Climate Futures in Central Asia. IAMO Forum, June 21-23, Halle, Germany
  • Bekchanov M, 2023. Cross-country analysis of future agricultural labor supply change induced by global warming. Online participation at Integrated Assessment Modeling Consortium (IAMC Conference), November 14-16, Venice, Italy
  • Bekchanov M, 2022. Climate-Health-Economics Nexus analysis using Global Climate-Energy-Economic Model. Online participation at Integrated Assessment Modeling Consortium (IAMC Conference), November 28-December 2, Maryland, the USA


Maksud Bekchanov

Principal Investigator