Designing Resonant Frames
How to Effectively Communicate about the Rights and Inclusion of Immigrants and Refugees?


Human rights groups have sounded a distress call on the rising hate speech, xenophobia, criminalisation and stigmatisation of migrants and refugees all around the world. While immigrant and refugee rights movements (IRRM) have provided temporary assistance to refugees and migrants in numerous countries, they have failed to respond to the societal backlash against migration. 

RESONATE explores ways in which IRRMs can communicate with societies better to alter biased public opinion and promote rights for noncitizens. By focusing on Turkey, the largest refugee-hosting country, the project maps the capacities and communicative strategies of the emergent IRRM in the country. 

It combines novel research methods with insights from sociology, communication studies, and political science to be able to alter stigmatising views and solicit broader support for the rights of non-citizens towards forging more inclusive societies.


  • Mapping the Immigrant and Refugee Rights Movement (IRRM) in Turkey
  • Identifying positive narratives that frame refugees and migrants as rights-bearing agents
  • Testing the effect of resonant frames


Workshop Politics of Stigmatization and Human Insecurities in Hybrid Regimes: Actors, Mechanisms, and Responses
8-9 April 2024, Northwestern University, USA

The workshop aims to offer a platform for researchers from various academic fields to discuss the politics of stigmatization, forms of insecurities, and potential counterstrategies in hybrid regimes. We aim to explore stigmatization as a politically and economically corrosive force, an overt or silent process that creates new insecurities and entrenches previous ones. The discussions will help explore the processual or causal pathways between stigmatization and human insecurities. Among others, we strive to address the following questions: When, why, and how are stigmas produced and deployed politically? How does stigma affect the sense of self, social identity of the targeted groups, and other aspects of society, such as political power, participation, and representation? What are the critical areas of insecurities that shape individuals’ or communities’ political and social experiences due to stigmatization? What technologies, discourses, or mechanisms contribute to human insecurity? How can stigmas or human insecurities pave the way for new forms of resistance and democratic response?