
QWoRe is based on the cooperation between researchers belonging to three Italian Universities:

QWoRe benefits from the support of a Scientific Advisory Board made of national and international experts. QWoRe produces and shares knowledge thanks to systematic exchange and dialogue with its Stakeholder Advisory Board

Research units

Ca' Foscari University of Venice

Barbara Da Roit

PI and research unit coordinator

Barbara Da Roit, sociologist, is a full professor at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. Her research, embedded in comparative welfare studies, focusses on the relationship between changes in social policies and in social practices with a specific interest in the field of care for elderly people and young children. She has participated in and coordinated several national and international research projects on, among other topics, formal and informal care work end their gender and class dimension, the conciliation between paid and unpaid work, the nexus between the transformation of care and gendered work migration. She is scientific coordinator of the Horizon Europe project LeTs-Care (Learning from Long-term Care practices for the European Care Strategy) (2024-2028).

Maurizio Busacca

Maurizio Busacca is Assistant Professor (tenure-track) at the Department of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage of Ca' Foscari University, where he teaches economic sociology and sociology of welfare. As a sociologist of economic and labour processes, he is particularly engaged in social innovation, local welfare, social work, the third sector, and local development. His research interests focus on the study of innovation processes and transformations in Mediterranean welfare systems. In 2023, he was awarded a SPIN grant dedicated to impact research. He has been involved in and coordinated numerous regional, national, and European projects exploring various emerging phenomena, including the evolution of the university third mission, collaborative spaces, work-life balance policies, and the relationship between welfare system transformations, social work, and third-sector organizations.

Maurizio Falsone 

Maurizio Falsone is an Associate Professor of Labor Law in the Department of Management at Ca' Foscari University of Venice. His expertise extends to teaching subjects like labour relations and social security law. He serves as the Management Department's welfare delegate and the Ca' Foscari University delegate for trade union relations. His debut monograph delves into employment relations with public enterprises. Prof. Falsone has led the PRIN 2017 Under 40 research unit titled "Dis/Connection: Work and Rights in the Internet Revolution" exploring the regulatory landscape surrounding emerging work structures. He examined trade union phenomena within peculiar contexts such as the military and sports sectors. Among his recent scholarly works, he authored the encyclopedic entry titled "Employment Contract and Territoriality" for the Thematic Volumes of the Giuffrè Encyclopedia of Law.

Francesco Eugenio Iannuzzi 

Francesco Eugenio Iannuzzi is a researcher in Economic and Labour Sociology at Ca' Foscari University of Venice. In 2018, he obtained his Ph.D. in Social Sciences from the University of Padua. He has conducted research on tourism labour, the impact of digital technology on the quality of manufacturing work, teleworking, employment in the performing arts industry, and the transformations of shipbuilding. His research interests mainly concern the nexus between Production Processes, Social Reproduction, and Institutions; the intersection between the social division of workers and the (technical) division of labour; production transformations related to outsourcing processes and their implications on labour conditions and quality of labour; labour market segmentation and solidarity processes.

Giorgia Golfetto 

Giorgia Golfetto is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Ca' Foscari University of Venice (Department of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage). She obtained her PhD in Pedagogical, Educational and Training Sciences from the University of Padua. She has conducted research on the role of volunteers in social and health facilities aimed at people with Alzheimer's desease and dementia. She is a Social worker and an Educator, she has been involved for twenty years in the long-term care sector, both in residential and home care contexts. Her current research interests concern welfare policies and professional practices in the field of long-term care, with particular attention to care for elderly people with dementia or cognitive impairment.

Pamela Pasian 

Pamela Pasian is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Ca' Foscari University of Venice (Italy). She obtained a PhD in Social Sciences from the University of Padua in 2017. In 2019 she joined Ca’Foscari University to collaborate on the INTERREG Central Europe project “SIforREF – Integrating refugees in society and labour market through social innovation”. Later, she was involved in the Horizon2020 project “VULNER - Vulnerabilities Under the Global Protection Regime” and she is currently working on the INTERREG Central Europe project "GEtCoheSive- Governance Enhancement for Cohesive Societies". Her work focuses mainly on care, gender and international migration. She has published articles in national and international journals and in her monography published in 2022, she investigated the emergence of doulas in Italy as care professionals. She took part in several national and international research projects on violence against women, international migration, reproductive and oncological health.

Marche Polytechnic University

Marco Arlotti [ITA]

Deputy PI and research unit coordinator 

Marco Arlotti is senior researcher of economic sociology at the Department of Economic and Social Sciences, Marche Polytechnic University. His research is focused on care and long-term care policies, with a particular attention to the Italian case from a comparative perspective. He has been involved in several national and international research project on these topics, with regular publications on books and journals.

Luigi Bernardi
Luigi Bernardi 

He has been working since 2006 as quantitative researcher and consultant for Universities and public or private research Institutions. His specific domain is the analysis and the evaluation of social phenomena and public policies. Since 2023 he works as data analyst for “Codici | Ricerca e intervento”.

Maria Teresa Ciommi [ITA] 

Maria Teresa Ciommi is an Assistant Professor in Economic Statistics at the Department of Economics and Social Sciences of Università Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona (Italy). Her area of research interest lies in definition and measurement of well-being (over space and time), inequality, poverty and polarization, mainly via composite indicators. She published several scientific articles in international peer reviewed journals.

Ludovica Rossotti
Ludovica Rossotti 

Ludovica Rossotti is Research Fellow at the Department of Economic and Social Sciences of the PolytechnicUniversity of Marche. She obtained her PhD at Sapienza University, in Applied Research in Social Sciences.During this period, she spent time as a visiting scholar at the Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, with which she continues to collaborate in the evaluation of public policies. She was a professor of Work Organization and Research Fellow at the University of Perugia. She is an expert in quantitative and qualitative research, she is interested in issues related to the labour market and the policies to combat poverty in which she has published several works. She has collaborated on several national and international projects with public Universities and private Institutions.

Elena Spina [ITA] 

Elena Spina is Associate Professor of Economic Sociology at the Department of Economic and Social Sciences, Marche Polytechnic University. Her field of interest is the sociology of professions, where she focuses on social and health professions with a particular emphasis on both generational and gender dimensions. Some of her most recent works have been focused on welfare and maternity policies, citizenship associations (especially self-help/mutual aid groups), and users’ involvement in the Italian National Health Service.

University of Milan

Stefano Neri [ITA]

Research unit coordinator 

Stefano Neri is Associate Professor of economic sociology at the Department of Social and Economic Sciences, University of Milan. His research interests are in health, social and educational policies from a comparative perspective; labour regulation and organisation in welfare and care services; sociology of professions. BEtween 2020 and 2022 he was principar Investigator of the EU-funded project Sewell (Soial dialogue in the care Services, VS/2020/0242), dedicated to the analysis of labour and industrial relations in long-term-care services and in early Childhood and edicational services in seven european countries and at the EU level.

Silvia Gilardi [ITA] 

Silvia Gilardi, work and organizational psychologist, is an associate professor at the Department of Social and Political Sciences of the University of Milan. Her main research interests concern: organizational and management conditions that influence workplace well-being; the effects of digital transformation on the quality of working life; the co-production of healthcare services and patient engagement strategies. She has coordinated and participated in research-intervention and training projects with social-health, non-profit and for-profit companies on the issues of preventing work hardship. She publishes regularly in international journals on human resource management and organizational health.

Simone Sarti [ITA]

Simone Sarti, sociologist, is an associate professor at the University of Milan. He teaches Social Research Methodology, Applied Social Research and holds a Laboratory of Methods for the Study of Health. His research interests mainly focus on social stratification, social inequalities in health and socio-cultural evolutionism. He has participated in various national research projects on these topics, and coordinates a PRIN on the topics of unhealthy behaviors with a network approach. He has published in international and national journals on the topics of health inequalities and social change. He published a book in 2023 for Carocci entitled “Studiare la salute. La prospettiva della sociologia".

Scientific advisory board

Giovanni Lamura
Giovanni Lamura


Giovanni Lamura leads the IRCCS INRCA’s Centre for Socio-Economic Research on Ageing. He graduated in economics and achieved a PhD in Life course and social policy at the University of Bremen (Germany). His interests focus on comparative research on long-term care, support of informal care (also via digital solutions), migrant care work and interdisciplinary ageing research. He is regularly involved in European projects, also as coordinator, has spent long periods abroad as visiting scholar, delivering key-note speeches at international conferences and publishing in international journals.

Olivier Lipari Giraud
Olivier Lipari Giraud

CNRS, Paris 

Olivier Lipari Giraud, sociologist and political scientist, is senior research fellow at the CNRS, Lise, Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers, Paris, and an associated member of the Centre Marc Bloch Berlin (CNRS, BMBF, Humboldt Universität Berlin). With research interests in social policies and the Welfare State, he is an expert in long-term care policies in Europe and gender regimes. He is currently conducting the international project Aurelia, Autonomy Regimes in Long-Term Care Arrangements: Instrumentation and Territories funded by the French National Agency for Research (ANR) within the Priority Plan for Research “Autonomie”.