Todos vós sodes capitáns (2010) – Oliver Laxe


Director: Oliver Laxe
Country: Spain
Year: 2010
Runtime: 79’
Genre: Documentary
Production: Zeitun Films
Photography: Ines Thomsen
Writer: Oliver Laxe
Editing: Fayçal Algandouzi
Music: Albert Castro Amarelle
Cast: Shakib Ben Omar, Nabil Dourgal, Mohamed Bablouh, Said Targhzaou, Asharaf Dourgal, Mohamed Selushi, Redouan Negadi, Youseff Boughari, Bilal Belcheikh, Zhor Arfaoui, Oliver Laxe, Hicham Amidallah, Adam Mouaouia, France Aline, Habiba Bouzerda, Fouad Lhadari, Ahmed Kacem, Rachida Marrakechi, Hassan Wahabé, Abdelghani Obayeb, Nourredine Al Fatouh.


A European filmmaker is making a movie with children living in a home for socially excluded youngsters in Tangier, Morocco. While filming, the director’s unorthodox methods of working cause his relationship with the children to disintegrate to such a point, that the initial course of the project is altered.

(SOURCE: Zeitun Films)

Official trailer