La patera (2006) – Juan Cuaresma Ortuño


Publisher: Sociedad de Nuevos Autores
Publication: 2006
Genre: Novel
Paperback: 100 pages
ISBN: 978-84-96104-89-1


A story is the shortest distance between a man and the truth; That at least says a Japanese proverb. The story starring Juan and Tombo is full of distance, humanity and truth. Of that truth that many people do not like to hear, but that we hear most days in the news. Of that truth that we dare not read or consider because if we did, we would have to change our way of thinking and our way of acting. For Juan and Tombo the distance that separates the human being from the truth is just a story; a story of hope, friendship, justice and humanity, but above all it is the encounter between two worlds that are only separated by a latitude and a longitude, but which have two truths: one of those who live and another of those who fight to survive.

(SOURCE: Casa del Libro)