Háblame, musa, de aquel varón (2007) – Dulce Chacón


Publisher: Punto de Lectura
Publication: 2007
Genre: Novel
Paperback: 192 pages
ISBN: 9788466369152


“Háblame, musa, de aquel varón” tells the story of Matilde, a woman who desperately tries to be faithful to a husband who ignores her and from whom more and more silences separate her. He, a writer devoted to the ambition of success, does not realize that the fictional world in which he pushes his wife to participate will bring her closer, in a flight to recover love and attention, to the arms of another man and the company of much more sincere and humble people. With this novel, an unbeatable finishing touch to the “Trilogía de la huida”, also made up of “Algún amor que no mate” and “Blanca vuela mañana”, Dulce Chacón once again revealed her deep knowledge of female psychology and her ability to recreate misunderstandings and difficulties in couple relationships.

(SOURCE: Lecturalia).

Article: Cruz, Jacqueline. “Entre la denuncia y el exotismo: La inmigración marroquí en Háblame, musa, de aquel varón”. In Encinar, Ángeles and Carmen Valcárcel (eds). "Escritoras y compromiso: Literatura española e hispanoamericana de los siglos XX y XXI". Madrid, Visor, 2009. 397-413.