Los príncipes nubios (2003) – Juan Bonilla


Publisher: Seix Barral
Publication: 2003
Genre: Novel
Paperback: 291 pages
ISBN: 84-322-1150-8


Moisés Froissard is dedicated to “saving lives”. He works as a "hunter" for "Club Olimpo", a large company with an intricate international network that operates in impoverished areas of the world. He selects and rescues the most beautiful "specimens" from among the survivors of misfortune and immigration and "the Club" is in charge of "re-educating" them to turn them into "sexual machines", capable of satisfying the desires of rich and capricious clients.

(SOURCE: Planeta de libros)

Dossier: Zarco, Julieta. Dossier “Los príncipes nubios” (PDF).

Article: Alonso, Santos. “Picaresca”. "Revista de Libros", 01/04/2003.