Silva, Lorenzo – Algún día cuando pueda llevarte a Varsovia (1997)


Publisher: Anaya
Publication: 1997
Genre: Novel
Paperback: 231 pages
ISBN: 978-84-207-8290-4


This novel was written between June and September 1997. In a remote origin, it was provoked by a suggestion from Norma Sturniolo, director of Anaya's “Espacio Abierto” collection. The suggestion went something like this: "Would you like to write a young adult novel?" At first it freaked me out, but then I thought and decided that I would accept. It has been one of the best decisions of my life, because it has allowed me to meet a new reader without forcing me to forget the others. In this and the other two youth novels that make up the Getafe Trilogy (“El cazador del desierto” and “La lluvia de París”), I have tried to tell stories for young people of any age. I am happy to say that many, and not just teenagers, have responded to my offer. “Algún día, cuando pueda llevarte a Varsovia” is not a particularly easy novel. In fact, it is two novels, one of adventure and the other of love, two of the most difficult genres that exist, surely. Among many other things, it is also my little tribute to Joseph Conrad and “The Shadow Line”.

(SOURCE: Lorenzo Silva)

Reading activities for students on "Algún día cuando pueda llevarte a Varsovia". Editorial Anaya.