San Blas Lorenzo, José Ana – Diario de un emigrante clandestino (1986)


Publisher: Baile Del Sol Ediciones
Publication: 2002 [1986]
Genre: Novel
Paperback: 86 pages
ISBN: 97-884-9530942-6


This book circulated -honoring its title- almost clandestinely, in 1984, through the corridors of the University of La Laguna: two hand-printed booklets -xeroxed!- which were sold hand to hand. That's how I got it. And what was the surprise when I found one of the most unique and valuable testimonies of emigration -and I am not exaggerating- of all time: the diary of a clandestine emigrant, Mr. José Ana San Blas Lorenzo, to Venezuela. The diary was written in 1950, and narrates the adventure of the aforementioned sailboat "Delfina Noya" that clandestinely departed from the Canary Islands to Venezuela with 231 people on board. It begins -the “Suicide Journey”- on May 12, 1950. “This is not a book. Whoever touches it, is touching a man” (Walt Whitman). To Mr. José Ana San Blas Lorenzo. Paradigm of the island emigrant of yesterday and today.