Muñoz Lorente, Gerardo – Ramito de hierbabuena (2001)


Publisher: Plaza & Janés
Publication: 2001
Genre: Novel
Paperback: 320 pages
ISBN: 978840132882


Fiction based on the dramatic reality that is lived daily on the side of the Strait of Gibraltar, making the reader aware of the desires and fears that every year drive thousands of Africans to risk their lives in a desperate attempt to reach the supposed European paradise. From the police investigation of the murders of young Moroccan women in the south of Spain, we will learn about daily life in the heart of Morocco and the activities of the mafias dedicated to human trafficking. This is the first Spanish novel that deals with the problem of immigration, showing neither the white nor the black, but the most concrete aspect of that reality: racism exists everywhere, the powers of Europe and Morocco can be just as vile, the Immigrants themselves, in their desperation, may act unpredictably to survive. "Ramito de hierbabuena" -name given by the lover to the beloved- is a beautiful and tragic love story of two young people, Maimuna and Habib, who face a hostile environment and adverse circumstances. An intense and passionate relationship starring a couple, true Romeo and Juliet of our time, overcome by circumstances that make their illusions impossible. A love story that, like many others, will be tragically frustrated in the treacherous waters of the Strait.

(SOURCE: Bibliotecauem)

Gerardo Muñoz Lorente's website