Inongo-vi-Makomé – El árbol que lloraba en el parque (2014)


Publisher: Carena
Publication: 2014
Genre: Novel
Paperback: 65 pages
ISBN: 978-84-16054-00-8


“El árbol que lloraba en el parque” is another title and another new story of so many that make up the collection " Historias de una selva africana para Muna", by the same author. In this curious story, little Rieka believed that when she left her village in Africa and accompanied her parents on their emigration to Europe, she would never hear the language of the trees or chat with them as she was used to doing. in the forest, when her mother took her to the farm… But lo and behold, when she arrives in Europe, she discovers that the trees she finds there speak to her too, some laughing and others crying, as is the case with that tree in the park that cried, with whom she became a very good friend.

(SOURCE: Inongo-vi-Makomé)

Page selection from “El árbol que lloraba en el parque” (pp. 33-42). Biblioteca virtual Miguel de Cervantes.