El Hachmi, Najat – Jo també sóc catalana (2010)


Publisher: Labutxaca
Publication: 2010
Genre: Novel
Paperback: 208 pages
ISBN: 978-84-9930-085-6


-I'm Catalan, mama? When his son asks him this question, Najat El Hachmi does not know what to answer. The author left her country, Morocco, when she was only eight years old and has lived in Catalonia ever since. With this book he decided to address in depth and sharpness the experience of being an immigrant: the language, the question of identity, religion, women, the feeling of loss towards Morocco and at the same time belonging to Catalonia, his country of origin. With an impeccable Catalan rich in nuances, with prose capable of engaging readers and an amazing ability to capture the essence of the facts, Najat El Hachmi conveys hope for a future in which to respond no difficulty in questioning your child. A fundamental book to understand what the new Catalans of the 21st century are like.

(SOURCE: Grup 62)

Article: África Vidal Claramente, M. Carmen. “Jo també sóc catalana: Najat El Hachmi, una vida traducida”. "Quaderns. Revista de Traducció", 19, 2012, 237-250.