Outputs and events
Outputs and resources
- Raffaetà, R., Ferrari, L. (2025) From gut feelings to data assets: ethnographic explorations of the gut’s metabolic political economies. “Humanit Soc Sci Commun”, 12: 429, 1-8.
- Batisti, F., Raffaetà, R. (2024) Scienza sradicata. Filosofia e antropologia alla prova dell’ampliamento della cognizione alle piante. “Discipline Filosofiche”, 2, 93-116.
- Scaglioni, M. (2024) Storia e significati della Nerezza nel Sud della Tunisia: per una nuova prospettiva. Archivio Antropologico Mediterraneo, 26:1, 1-19.
- Ferrari, L., Raffaetà, R., Beltrame, L. (2024) Capitalization and the production of value at the nexus of academia and industry: the case of a microbiome startup. New Genetics and Society, 43:1, 1-25.
- Burgio, V., Raffaetà, R. (2024) Organizing Microbial Diversity and Interspecies Relations through Diagrams: Trees, Maps, and the Visual Semiotics of the Living. Biosemiotics.
- Barchetta, L., Raffaetà, R. (2024) Data as environment, environment as data. One Health in collaborative data-intensive science. Big Data & Society, 11, 1-13.
- Raffaetà, R., Santanera, G., Esposito, F. (Eds.), (2023) Special Issue Entangling Data while Entangling Disciplines: Discussing the Future of Anthropological Collaborations with Data Scientists. Anthropology in Action, 30:3, 1-8.
- Amato, K., Raffaetà, R. (2023) Afterword - Crafting data, crafting worlds across disciplines. in the Special Issue Entangling Data while Entangling Disciplines: Discussing the Future of Anthropological Collaborations with Data Scientists. Anthropology in Action, 30:3, 59-65.
- Raffaetà, R. (2023) Cognition and intelligence after the post-human turn: insights from the brain-gut axis. in Batisti F. (Ed.) Special Issue De-humanizing cognition, intelligence, and agency. A critical assessment between philosophy, ethics, and science. JoLMA The Journal for the Philosophy of Language, Mind and the Arts, 4:2, 1-20.
- Raffaetà, R. (2023) What can microbes teach us about diplomacy – what it is and how to do it? in Mali Weil (eds.) The Mountain of Advanced Dreams, Postmedia Books, Milan.
- Manara, S., Selma-Royo, M., Huang, K. D., Asnicar, F., Armanini, F., Blanco-Miguez, A., Cumbo, F., et al. (2023) Maternal and Food Microbial Sources Shape the Infant Microbiome of a Rural Ethiopian Population. Current Biology, April, In Press, Corrected Proof.
- Raffaetà, R. (2023) ERC HealthXCross Data Management Plan.
- Raffaetà, R., Agnelli, S., Martini, C. (2022) Post-genomica e post-verità: un dialogo interdisciplinare. In Ienna G., D’Abramo F., Badino M. (Eds.), Expertise ed epistemologia politica, Meltemi 2022, ISBN 9788855196611.
Project-related publications
- Raffaetà, R. (2022) Metagenomic futures. How metagenomic is reconfiguring health and what it means to be human. Routledge 2022. ISBN 9781032068633.
- Raffaetà, R. (2022) Il lato oscuro della simbiosi, Alea (Vol. 3), 47-48.
- Santanera, G., Raffaetà, R. (2021) Designing unpredictable futures. An anthropological perspective on the algorithmical prediction of human behavior. In L. Di Lucchio, L. Imbesi, A. Giambattista, V. Malakuczi (Eds.), Design Culture(s). Cumulus Conference Proceedings Roma 2021 (Vol. 2). ISBN: 978-952-64-9004-5.
- Raffaetà, R. (2021) Il microbioma tra l’umano e il post-umano: piste di ricerca antropologica, AM. Rivista della Società Italiana di Antropologia Medica, 22(51), 307-328.
- Raffaetà, R. (2021) Microbial Antagonism in the Trentino Alps. Negotiating Spacetimes and Ownership through the Production of Raw Milk Cheese in Alpine High Mountain Summer Pastures, Current Anthropology.
- Raffaetà, R. (2021) Etica e progettazione europea. Uno studio di caso, Archivio antropologico mediterraneo, XXIV, 23(1)
- Raffaetà, R. (2020) Antropologia dei microbi. Come la metagenomica sta riconfigurando l’umano e la salute, CISU, Roma (english translation forthcoming 2022, Routledge).
- De Chadarevian, S., Raffaetà, R. (2020) COVID-19: Rethinking the nature of viruses, ZMANIYM, 145, 108-113.
The project events comprise:
- Organized - ERC dissemination and communication events organised in Venice at Ca' Foscari premises with the presence of international experts as speakers
- Invited - participation of the ERC members as keynote or guest speakers in events organized by others but intersecting with the ERC project
- Conferences - organisation of panels or participation of the ERC members in conferences' panels and workshop with selection procedure to disseminate the ERC research results
15-20-25/11 and 4/12 - Workshop series “Dialogues across Microbiology, Art & Anthropology”
- 15/11/2024 - Session 1: "Dialogue on Bio-Geo-Interdependence" with Kriti Sharma (UC Santa Cruz) and Donato Giovannelli (University of Naples Federico II)
- 20/11/2024 - Session 2: "The Classification of Living Systems - Bridging Knowledge Systems for Ecological Democracy" with Maud Quinzin (World Maritime University, IMO, Malmo)
- 25/11/2024 - Session 3: "When Microbes Speak, What Do They Say? - On the Poetics of Scientific Practice" with Kriti Sharma (UC Santa Cruz)
- 4/12/2024 - Session 4: "Microcosms as Worldmaking - Reimagining Planetary Ecology" with Armin Linke (AdBK Munich), Anicke Yi (Artist), Kriti Sharma (UC Santa Cruz), Serina Terkhanian (Architecture University Oslo)
For further information please visit the webpage Worshop series.
4/11/2024 - "Politics of collaboration in STS"
Workshop with Sabina Leonelli (Technical University of Munich) and Stefano Canali (Politecnico di Milano) on the politics of interdisciplinarity and on the ethnographic practices within STS studies.
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Poster 4/11/2024 | 944 KB |
30/10/2024 - FARE SHK_HealthXCross project - "From Anti-incineration Activism to ‘Sustainable Living’: Some Reflections on Forms of Environmentalism in Contemporary China"
Seminar by Anna Lora-Wainwright (University of Oxford) on the new forms of everyday and grassroot environmental activism in contemporary China.
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Poster 30/10/2024 | 563 KB |
13/06/2024 - FARE SHK_HealthXCross project - "Disputed augury: Live poultry markets, zonotic viruses, and contested signs of risk"
Seminar by Lyle Fearnley (Singapore University of Technology and Design) on the semiotic strategies by global health agencies in identifying live poultry markets as risky settings of zoonotic spillover.
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Poster 13/06/2024 | 387 KB |
10/06/2024 - Book presentation "Mapping Abundance for a Planetary Future"
Book presentation by Candace Fujikane (University of Hawai'i at Mānoa) of the book "Mapping Abundance for a Planetary Future" as part of NICHE New Books in Environmental Humanities.
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Poster 10/06/2024 | 2 MB |
19/02/2024 - NICHE Dialoghi: "Scienza, Politica e Società: l'approccio post-normale in teoria e nelle pratiche" [ITA]
Book presentation by Alba L'Astorina (Cnr IREA), Cristina Mangia (Cnr ISAC), Alessandra Pugnetti (Cnr ISMAR), collana Cnr “Scienziati in Affanno?”.
24/10/2023 - “FARE SHK_HealthXCross project - How avian flu became endemic: History and anthropology of a global mobilization”
Seminar by Frédéric Keck (EHESS - École des hautes études en sciences sociales) on how avian influenza has been managed as a potentially pandemic disease since the emergence of the highly pathogenic H5N1 virus in China in 1997 and its spread in Europe and Africa in 2005.
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Poster 24/10/2023 | 281 KB |
27/02/2023 - Book presentation “Ecologie native”
Presentation by Emanuela Borgnino (University of Turin) of her book "Ecologie native".
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Poster 27/02/2023 | 800 KB |
13-14/02/2023 - Book presentation "Environmental Alterities" and seminar "Big Tech and Environmental Science: the data territories of the Post-Environmental Condition"
Presentation by Tone Walford (University College London) of their new book in "Enviornmental Humanities" and their participation in the seminar "Big Tech and Environmental Science: the data territories of the Post-Environmental Condition".
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Poster 13/02/2023 | 756 KB |
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Poster 14/02/2023 | 4 MB |
9/02/2023 - “What is Missing in the Language and Tools We Use to Study and Describe Planetary Health?”
Dialogue between ECLT and NICHE: discussion by Roberta Raffaetà with Uri Hershberg (University of Haifa and Visiting scholar at ECLT).
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Poster 09/02/2023 | 1 MB |
2/02/2023 - "Science and society: rethinking forms of communication and open data"
Seminar by Federica Bressan, expert in open data and professional communicator, illustrating emergent forms of science communication. Discussion about the current EU transitioning to open data and enhanced society's engagement into science.
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Poster 02/02/2023 | 2 MB |
25/01/2023 - "Health and Bodies in Postgenomics: from genetic causality to organism / environment(s) entanglement"
Seminar by Maurizio Meloni (Deakin University, Australia) on the multiple semantics of the concept of postgenomics and its different operationalizations in medicine, philosophy, history, and sociology of biology.
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Poster 25/01/2023 | 2 MB |
9/01/2023 - "From genomes to microbiomes: on historical narratives and why they matter"
Seminar by Soraya de Chadarevian (University of California Los Angeles) on the historical narratives and how they play an important role in shaping research questions and setting research agendas.
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Poster 09/01/2023 | 945 KB |
20/12/2022 - "Microbiome research as a biosocial endeavour"
Discussion between Margeret McFall Ngai (CARNEGIE Institution for Science) and ERC HealthXCross team members on the interface between the social and biological dimensions of contemporary microbiome research.
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Poster 20/12/2022 | 993 KB |
19/12/2022 - "Horizons in the Study of Biosystem Structure and Function: Biology at an Inflection Point Driven by Evolution"
Seminar by Margaret McFall Ngai (Carnegie Institution for Science) on the current remodeling of biological thought across the spectrum, from biomedicine to ecology.
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Poster 19/12/2022 | 1 MB |
22/09/2022 - Book Launch “Reactivating Elements. Chemistry, Ecology, Practice”
Conversation between Roberta Raffaetà and Maria Puig de la Bellacasa (University of Warwick) and Dimitris Papadopoulos (University of Nottingham) on the significance of the ‘elemental thought’ across fields. The book is edited by Dimitris Papadopoulos, María Puig de la Bellacasa, and Natasha Myers, and published by Duke University Press (February, 2022).
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Poster 22/09/2022 | 429 KB |
14/09/2022 - HealthXCross kick-off meeting
Keynote Speakers Hannah Landecker (University of California Los Angeles - Institute for Society and Genetics) and Jamie Lorimer (University of Oxford).
Details and poster
Link to watch the recording of the meeting
5/10/2024 - "Dalle ontologie alle politiche: pensare Latour all’incrocio tra post-verità, post-genomica e
decolonizzazione della scienza"
Invitation of Roberta Raffaetà to the seminar "Forme e crisi dei saperi contemporanei a partire da Bruno Latour", University of Turin
4/10/2024 - "Microbes across humans, animals and more. The biopolitics of scale and species transitions in microbiome research"
Invitation of Roberta Raffaetà to the project launch conference "VetValues ERC Project", Anthropology Department, University of Amsterdam
21-22/05/2024 - "Microbes and their invisibilities"
Invitation of Roberta Raffaetà to the symposium "Microbial Futures", Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies, Aarhus University, 21-22 May 2024.
17/05/2024 - “The microbiome across data and across disciplines”
Invitation of Roberta Raffaetà to the Microbiome Friday Seminars, Institute of advanced Study (IAS), University of Amsterdam
20/02/2024 - "Fare ricerca su e tra discipline. Spunti di rilessione tra l'antropologia e la microbiologia"
Invitation of Roberta Raffaetà to the seminars by "Gli Indisciplinati", University of Udine
26/01/2024 - "What kind of object is the microbiome?"
Invitation of Roberta Raffaetà to the Friday Seminars, at the Department of Anthropology at the London School of Economics, London, UK
10/01/2024 - "The microbiome and its technology: an ethnographic exploration"
Invitation of Roberta Raffaetà to the Wednesday Seminars, at the Department of Cultural and Social Anthropology, University of Vienna
13/12/2023: Representing the Microbiome: Trees, Networks and Maps.
Invitation of Valeria Burgio to the public workshop "Visions of Microbial Health: A Conversation between Biologists, Anthropologists and Artists", Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD), Singapore.
17/11/2023 - "Have We Ever Been Human? The Social Sciences After the Microbiome Revolution"
Invitation of Roberta Raffaetà to the Meetings of the American Philosophical Society, Philadelphia, PA, US.
18/10/2023 - "Anthropology and Research on the Microbiome: Addressing Future Health"
Invitation of Roberta Raffaetà as part of the 10th World Congress of the International Society of Microbiota, “Targeting microbiota. Towards Clinical Revolution”, Venice, Italy.
13/10/2023 – “One Health and digital data platforms”
Invitation of Roberta Raffaetà and Lucilla Barchetta to the seminar “Zoonoses. Multi-species transmission of pathogens and pandemic preparedness” (University of Bergamo).
06/10/2023 – “Everybody talks about the weather”
Invitation of Roberta Raffaetà as part of the symposium “Everybody talks about the weather”, Fondazione Prada, Venice.
14/09/2023 - "Big Data and Visual Data"
Invitation of Valeria Burgio as speaker in the seminar "Big data e visual data tra semiotica e sociologia", invited by Maria Giulia Dondero and Roberta Bartoletti, Centro internazionale di Scienze Semiotiche Umberto Eco, Università di Urbino Carlo Bo.
19/06/2023 - "Thinking the organism through the microbiome"
Invitation of Roberta Raffaetà as part of the ROTO (The Return of the Organism in the Biosciences: Theoretical, Historical and Social Dimensions) Lecture Series, virtual.
15/06/2023 - "Microbial biovalue: environment tourism, environing biotech", Munich
Invitation of Roberta Raffaetà to the conference 'Environing Tourism: Multispecies Entanglements, Histories, Infrastructures', organized by Carolin Maertens and Alessandro Rippa, Munich, 15-16 June 2023.
8/05/2023 - "Anthropology and microbiome research. Toward a biocultural agenda"
Invitation of Roberta Raffaetà as part of the Biocultural Initiative of the Pacific Occasional Seminars, Center for Pacific Islands Studies and Biocultural Initiative of the Pacific (University of Hawai'i).
14/04/2023 - "Thinking health across scales and through the microbiome"
Invitation of Roberta Raffaetà to the Institute for Society and Genetics Fellow's series of meetings (UCLA), invited by Hannah Landecker (UCLA).
14/04/2023 - "Generi nella scienza. Comunicazione, divulgazione, racconto"
Invitation of Valeria Burgio as discussant to the Seminar "Generi nella scienza. Comunicazione, divulgazione, racconto", invited by Pino Donghi and Gianfranco Marrone (Centro Internazionale di Scienze Semiotiche Umberto Eco, University of Urbino Carlo Bo).
3/04/2023 - "Tecnoscienza e relazioni ambientali. Il caso del microbioma"
Invitation of Roberta Raffaetà as part of the PhD seminars "Interazioni ambientali oggi: pericoli, dilemmi e consapevolezze" (Dottorato in Storia, Antropologia, Religioni, Curriculum Antropologico, University Sapienza, Rome).
24/03/2023 - "Come il microbioma sta cambiando la medicina: tra l'umano, l'ambiente e il computazionale. Piste di ricerca e riflessione"
Invitation of Roberta Raffaetà and Valeria Burgio as part of the PhD course "Patologie infiammatorie e infettive, strategie terapeutiche e biodiritto" (University of Perugia).
6/03/2023 - "Microbiome research between human and environmental health"
Invitation of Roberta Raffaetà as part of Séminaire EnviroBioSoc "Incorporation biologique, environnement social", invited by Francesca Merlin and Thomas Bonnin, at IHPST (CNRS and Université Paris 1).
28/02/2023 - Dialogues AgeS: Bruno Latour
Talk by Roberta Raffaetà within the series of dialogues AgeS on Bruno Latour, together with Lavinia Maddaluno (University of Ca' Foscari) and Pietro Daniel Omodeo (Ca' Foscari University).
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Poster 28/02/2023 | 1,020 KB |
25/02/2023 - "The relation between humans and microbes"
Talk at Centrale Fies (Dro, Trento) by Roberta Raffaetà on the relation between humans and microbes, within the "School of Interspecies Diplomacies and Werewolfish Studies".
2/02/2023 - "Le trasformazioni della scienza: gli studi sul microbioma tra biologia, ecologia, biomedicina e big data"
Invitation of Roberta Raffaetà as part of the Master course "Filosofia e storia della scienza e della tecnologia", invited by E. Montuschi at Cà Foscari Challenge School and University of Bologna, titled "Le trasformazioni della scienza: gli studi sul microbioma tra biologia, ecologia, biomedicina e big data".
20/01/2023 - "Crossing ecosystems, crossing ontologies. How microbiome science is remaking what does it means to be human"
Talk by Roberta Raffaetà at the University of Helsinki in the framework of the “Friday Anthropology Seminars” of the Department of Social Research, University of Helsinki, Finland.
7/12/2022 - “Studiare il sociale attraverso le scale”
Invitation of Roberta Raffaetà to present in the PhD course "Historical, Geographical and Anthropological Studies", Ca' Foscari University of Venice and Padua University.
17/11/2022 - "Etnografia di laboratorio: studiare antropologicamente scienziati, microbi e dati"
Invitation of Roberta Raffaetà to present in the Master course "Laboratorio di Etnografia" organized by A. Gribaldo and S. Marabello at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, 17th November, 3.45 - 7 pm (CEST).
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Poster 17/11/2022 | 286 KB |
9/11/2022 - "The microbiome between human and planetary health"
Invitation of Roberta Raffaetà to the seminar series "Ecobiosocial complexities: encounters, critiques, integrations" organized by L. Chiapperino, C. Fasel et F. Panese at the University of Lausanne, 9th November, 10-1:30 pm (CEST). Link to the event: https://unil.zoom.us/j/99584244816.
13-14/10/2022 - "Thinking health par le milieu. A politics of inquiry"
Invitation of Roberta Raffaetà and Lucilla Barchetta to the "Thinking par le Milieu. A politics of inquiry", a workshop co-organized by the University of Liège, the BoS in collaboration with HealthXCross, and the FNRS on the 13th and 14th of October 2022.
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Poster 13-14/10/2022 | 211 KB |
6/10/2022 - “Medical Anthropology and the Microbiome”
Invitation of Roberta Raffaetà to the Medical Anthropology Seminar Series chaired by A. David Napier, Department of Anthropology, University College London, 6th October 2022, 4:30-6 pm (BST).
24/02/2022 - “Medical anthropology and more-than-human health”
Guest lecture by Roberta Raffaetà, Medical Anthropology Europe Online Seminar Series “Building New Relations”, EASA.
18/02/2022 - “Antropologia ambientale: dal microbioma all’umano”
Invited presentation by Roberta Raffaetà with Lucia Cavalca (DEFENS, Università degli Studi di Milano) and Marta Scaglioni (Università degli Studi di Milano), AnthroDayMilano, Università degli Studi di Milano.
17/02/2022- “Who they are and what they are doing? Studiare i microbi tra antropologia e bioinformatica”
Invited presentation by Raffaetà Roberta and Nicola Segata (CIBIO, Trento University), AnthroDayMilano, Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca.
11/02/2022 - "La natura come domanda empirica”
Guest lecture by Roberta Raffaetà, Associazione Italiana Sociologia (AIS), Università di Milano-Bicocca.
4/02/2022 - “La ricerca sul microbioma: nuovi scenari di medicina traslazionale?”
Invited presentation by Roberta Raffaetà, Workshop Series “Salute, Ricerca e Cultura”, Fondazione Sasso Corbaro, Bellinzona.
13/12/2021 - "Science and Society in a Changing World: Ethical and Cultural Challenges"
Keynote lecture by Roberta Raffaetà at the conference "Science and Society in a Changing World: Ethical and Cultural Challenges", Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Be'er Sheva. Title of the presentation: “Microbes, environments and humans. Encounters between anthropology and microbiome research in times of biosocial challenges”.
30/09/2021 - PaSTIS
Invitation of Roberta Raffaetà to PaSTIS [ITA] (Padova Science, Technology and Innovation Studies, Padova University) to introduce the ERC project by discussing how it derives from her previous research.
1/09/2021 - RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021
Discussion by Roberta Raffaetà about Jamie Lorimer's book "Probiotic Planet: Using life to manage life" in a dedicated panel at the Royal Geographical Society-IBG Annual International Conference 2021.
30/09/2024 - "Looking good on paper: building microbiome research networks in Tunisia"
Participation by Marta Scaglioni in the VAD (Die Vereinigung für Afrikawissenschaften in Deutschland) 2024 "Reconfigurations in Africa - And in African Studies", University of Bayreuth, Germany, 30 September - 02 October 2024.
05/09/2024 - "New Microbial Natures: diagrammatic visions of biodiversity in the human body"
Participation by Valeria Burgio in the 16th World Congress of the IASS (International Association of Semiotic Studies) “Signs and Realities”, University of Warsaw, Poland.
31/08/2024 - "Il lato selvatico dei valori"
Participation by Roberta Raffaetà in the festival Coesistenza Festival, Lundo (TN), 30 August - 1 September 2024.
26/07/2024 - "Collaborations with Indigenous microbiologists in Hawai'i", EASA 2024
Participation by Roberta Raffaetà, panel “(Re)doing ethnographies in times of Indigenous (re)emergence”, organized by Ruben Dario Chambi Mayta, Juliane Mueller, Philipp Schorch, 26 July 2024, Barcelona.
23/07/2024 - "Capitalization and the Production of Value at the Nexus of Academia and Industry: The case of a microbiome startup", EASA 2024
Participation by Roberta Raffaetà (together with Luciano Ferrari and Lorenzo Beltrame), Panel “Oh my gut: anthropological pathways tot he cultural, affective, medical and multispecies entanglements of the gut”, organized by Antonia Modelhart, Susanna Azevedo, Maya Hey, 23 July 2024, Barcelona.
18/06/2024 - "Race in sciences in the Global South: the case of a Tunisian microbiome research project"
Participation by Marta Scaglioni in the MAYS2024 (EASA Medical Anthropology Young Scholars) conference, University of Bologna, 18-20 June 2024.
21/03/2024 - "Whence the gaze? Observing Race Within a Tunisian Microbiome Research Project"
Participation by Marta Scaglioni in the conference "Leakage", University of Dresden, 19-22 March 2024.
11/11/2023 - "Inquiring the microbiome as a scientific object across scales"
Participation by Roberta Raffaetà in 4S 2023 Honolulu, Society for Social Studies of Science, Honolulu, Hawai'i, US.
17/12/2023 - “La scrittura etnografica. Esperienza e rappresentazione nella produzione di conoscenza interdisciplinare”
Panel organized by Marta Scaglioni and Lucilla Barchetta, SIAA2023, Perugia, 14 - 16/12/2023.
13/12/2023 - "Representing the Microbiome: Trees, Networks and Maps"
Participation by Valeria Burgio in the workshop "Visions of Microbial Health: a Conversation between Biologists, Anthropologists and Artists", Singapore University of Technology and Design.
22/09/2023 - "'Thinking with microbes': how microbiome research is recasting issues of ethnicity and identity in Tunisia", SIAC 2023
Presentation by Marta Scaglioni in the panel 'Molecolarizzare la vita: il ritorno del sociale in biologia, medicina, chimica e tossicologia', at the Fourth National Conference of SIAC (Società Italiana di Antropologia Culturale), organized by Roberta Raffaetà e Giorgio Brocco, Rome, 21-23 September 2023.
22/09/2023 - "'The unseen majority': microbial abundance in the Anthropocene", SIAC 2023
Presentation by Valentina Marcheselli in the panel 'Molecolarizzare la vita: il ritorno del sociale in biologia, medicina, chimica e tossicologia', at the Fourth National Conference of SIAC (Società Italiana di Antropologia Culturale), organized by Roberta Raffaetà e Giorgio Brocco, Rome, 21-23 September 2023.
22/09/2023 - "Sampling with the samplers: ethnographic and big data collection practices", SIAC 2023
Presentation by Victor Secco in the panel 'Molecolarizzare la vita: il ritorno del sociale in biologia, medicina, chimica e tossicologia', at the Fourth National Conference of SIAC (Società Italiana di Antropologia Culturale), organized by Roberta Raffaetà e Giorgio Brocco, Rome, 21-23 September 2023.
22/09/2023 - "Data Integration As Testing Ground for Multidimensional Visions of Health. What is it that like?", SIAC 2023
Presentation by Lucilla Barchetta in the panel 'Molecolarizzare la vita: il ritorno del sociale in biologia, medicina, chimica e tossicologia', at the Fourth National Conference of SIAC (Società Italiana di Antropologia Culturale), organized by Roberta Raffaetà e Giorgio Brocco, Rome, 21-23 September 2023.
29/06/2023 – “Global Pathogens, Local Pathogens: Toward a more than human understanding of biosecurity”, STS Italia
Panel organized by Lucilla Barchetta with Michele Bandiera, Christian Colella, Chiara Vacirca, Enrico Milazzo, Jasmine Pisapia titled ‘Global Pathogens, Local Pathogens: Toward a more than human understanding of biosecurity’ at STS Italia Conference 2023, Bologna, 28-30 June 2023
29/06/2023 – “Dataification As Registration Of Plant Disease Knowledge”, STS Italia
Presentation by Lucilla Barchetta, Panel ‘Revisiting identification and registration of humans and more-than-humans: long-term perspectives and implications’, organized by Chiara Loschi, Annalisa Pelizza and Paul Trauttmansdorf, 29 June 2023, Bologna.
29/06/2023 – “Mapping microbial ecosystems: censing the unknown through molecules”, STS Italia
Presentation by Victor Secco, Panel ‘Revisiting identification and registration of humans and more-than-humans: long-term perspectives and implications’, organized by Chiara Loschi, Annalisa Pelizza and Paul Trauttmansdorf, 29 June 2023, Bologna.
28/06/2023 – “Earthly and otherworldly challenges. On the mutual shaping of imaginaries, practices and discourses about Earth and Outer space”, STS Italia
Panel organized by Valentina Marcheselli with Marco Serino and Chiara Vassillo titled ‘Earthly and otherworldly challenges. On the mutual shaping of imaginaries, practices and discourses about Earth and Outer space’ at STS Italia Conference 2023, Bologna, 28-30 June 2023.
5/06/2023 - MSE (Microbes and Social Equity) virtual Symposium 2023
Participation by Lucilla Barchetta and Marta Scaglioni, Panel 1 'Reconsidering 'One Health' Through Microbes', organized by MSE, virtual, 5-9 June 2023, link to the recordings.
27/01/2023 - “De Martino e gli algoritmi. Dispositivi mitico-rituali planetari per fronteggiare l’Apocalisse", SIAM 2023
Presentation by Roberta Raffaetà, Panel 'Nuovi immaginari apocalittici. Salute e orizzonti culturali della crisi', organized by Fabio Dei (University of Pisa) and Luigigiovanni Quarta (University of Bergamo), 27 January 2023, Naples.
17/12/2023 - "La scrittura etnografica. Esperienza e rappresentazione nella produzione di conoscenza interdisciplinare", SIAA 2023
Organization of the workshop "La scrittura etnografica. Esperienza e rappresentazione nella produzione di conoscenza interdisciplinare" by Lucilla Barchetta and Marta Scaglioni at SIAA (Società Italiana di Antropologia Applicata), Perugia.
28/10/2023 - “Ripensare l’identità tramite la scienza. Il caso di un progetto europeo di microbiologia umana in Tunisia”
Presentation by Marta Scaglioni at the conference (Re)penser le contemporain en Littérature, Art et Culture, University of Sfax, Djerba.
29/07/2022 - “Untangling more-than-human, scientific socialities in knowledge infrastructures”, EASA 2022
Presentation by Lucilla Barchetta, Panel ‘Entangled Commons. Shifting Infrastructures of Sociality toward Visionary Pragmatic Lifeworlds’, organized by Aylin Yildirim Tschoepe and Carolin Genz (Humboldt-University of Berlin), 29 July 2022 Belfast.
28/07/2022 - "Health as more-than-human communing in the Anthropocene? The case of microbiome research", EASA 2022
Presentation by Roberta Raffaetà, Panel 'Future Commons of the Anthropocene', organized by Marianne Elisabeth Lien, Elisabeth Schober and Penny Harvey, 28 July 2022, Belfast.
8/07/2022 - "Heterogeneous absences: the making of one digital health", EASST 2022
Presentation by Lucilla Barchetta, Panel ‘Data, algorithms, absence and alterity’, organized by Francis Lee and Michela Cozza, 8 July 2022.
7/07/2022 - "Crossing the dark forest together: encounters between microbiome science and anthropology across time, space, and species", EASST 2022
Participation by Roberta Raffetà, panel “The forests within and the brains without: alternative heuristics of the Anthropocene”, organized by Salla Sariola, 7 July 2022, Madrid.
6/07/2022 - "Data flights in the drive for one digital health”, EASST 2022
Presentation by Lucilla Barchetta, Panel "Bringing STS up to speed? The digital as practice" organized by Roos Hopman and Ingmar Lippert, 6 July 2022 Madrid.
6-10/06/2022 - "Co-production of Knowledge, Open Science and Anthropologies of the Future", RAI Virtual Conference
Panel organized by Lucilla Barchetta with Adrienne Mannov (Aarhus University) titled 'Co-production of knowledge, open science and anthropologies of the future' at RAI Anthropology, AI and the Future of Human Society Virtual Conference, 6-10 June 2022.
6/01/2022 - "Workshop on Digital Anthropology. How can we study digital infrastructures ethnographically?", an Antech event
Participation by Roberta Raffaetà and Lucilla Barchetta in the "Workshop on Digital Anthropology. How can we study digital infrastructures ethnographically?", a workshop with Hannah Knox and Maja Hojer Bruun, at Aarhus University, the 6th of January 2022.
18/11/2021 - AAA annual meeting "Truth and Responsibility"
AAA annual meeting "Truth and Responsibility", Baltimore (online), panel ‘Entangling data and entangling disciplines: the future of anthropological collaborations with data scientists’, organized by Roberta Raffaetà and Giovanna Santanera.