Philosophical Reviews in Early Modern Europe (1665-1789)


The project PREME aims to explore and catalogue from the perspective of the history of knowledge all philosophical reviews published in between 1665 and 1789, spanning from the founding moment of the two first philosophical journals - Philosophical Transactions and Journal des Sçavans - to the French Revolution, which is usually considered a turning point marking the end of literary experimentation and, conversely, the beginning of intellectual specialization and mass communication. The database is based on the census of more than 1.500 different journals and more than 10.000 issues. Albeit the high number of studies and research projects on the academic and scientific journals, scarce, if not any, attention has been given to the role of reviews in shaping the Republic of Letters and in determining the cultural milieu and the circulation of knowledge across countries.

This database exploits existing digitised resources:


The database is under completion and the entries are constantly under revision.

Project investigators