Torregrosa, Pasqual Moreno y El Gheryb, Mohamed – Dormir al raso (1994)


Publisher: Vosa
Publication: 1994
Genre: Documentos/reportage
Paperback: 182 pages
ISBN: 97-884-8629-390-1


For the first time in Spain, a great report on immigration written from within. From the small boats to the Andalusian fields and the large hostile cities. An exceptional book. “In “Dormir al raso” the life of Moroccan immigrants in Spain is told, from the perspective of Moreno Torregrosa, who knows what it means to be an economic immigrant, and that of the Arab collaborator, Mohamed El Gheryb, who contributes to the experience what does it mean to emigrate in Arabic, in poor Arabic… Each one on their own mixed with the bases of emigration, Tangier. Tetouan, Alkazarkivir… or with those of the sometimes ruthless reception of emigrants, with the human matter that lives and traffics it” (Manuel Vázquez Montalbán)