Law, Economy and Seeing Woman’s Work:
Knowledge Production and the ILO’s Domestic Workers Convention in Global Migration Governance
This project will investigate how knowledge production takes place within the context of an international organization (IO) – the International Labour Organization (ILO).
Specifically, it will look into how what we know about domestic work has developed in the context of the establishment of the ILO’s Convention on Domestic Work (C189).
The latter is a landmark global treaty that seeks to set employment standards and norms, for domestic workers. To date, C189 has only been ratified by 35 countries. The low ratification rate belies the demand for domestic work worldwide.
This demand is an indicator of what scholars have called a global ‘care deficit’ and ‘crisis of social reproduction’. This demand will not only increase in volume (absolute numbers) but also scope (number of national territories) as the global population continues to age and as long as states do not adequately invest in social reproduction – activities that reproduce and maintain people.
The ILO’s tripartite architecture makes it possible for a variety of actors to converge – origin and destination country governments, international trade unions, employer and industry associations, academics, and other entities in the UN system.
In other words, the ILO is potentially the most democratic of all IOs.
At the same time, the events which culminated in the passage of C189 at the 100th International Labour Conference in 2011, demonstrate a phenomenon which may be the first of its kind - where a global social movement worked to put a treaty on the agenda of a global governance institution.
A combination of human rights, women's rights and labour rights movements and efforts at the local and transnational levels instantiate C189 as an example of the emergence of a 'global agenda' in which various social forces mobilized knowledge claims to influence an outcome.
This project therefore concretely investigates how various actors engage with an international organization in making knowledge claims about domestic work. It will seek to primarily illustrate the contingency of these claims, to show that the process by which knowledge about domestic work is created is highly contentious - as actors compete over definition of terms, scope, jurisdiction, etc. By investigating how ‘science’, or the authoritative production of knowledge claims, informs politics and vice versa. More broadly, this project draws from the sociality of knowledge production in feminist interventions in science and technology studies that attend to different sources of epistemic authority, including voices ‘from below’.
The project will proceed in two stages: an analysis of the run-up to C189’s adoption and an investigation of how the ILO’s norm-setting activities diffuse to and from a regional organisation – in this case the European Union.
- The first stage will examine
- the discourses ('logos')
- the activities ('praxis')
- and the tools ('techne')
- The second stage will examine the activities with various partners and projects of the European ILO’s regional office in Brussels in relation to domestic work and the C189.
- Chee, L., Ramos-Carbone E., Sernande J. (2024). Podcast on domestic worker organizing and alliance-building. "The Channel", Season 1, Epside 38. International Institute for Asian Studies. June 2024
- Chee, L. (2023). On the Future of Domestic and Caring Labour: Lessons from the ILC Deliberations on the ILO Convention on Domestic Work. Global Policy Journal, December 20, 2023
- Chee, L. (2023). How the Caribbean influenced domestic work and the ‘international parliament of labour’. Global Voices, October 28, 2023
- Chee, L. (2023). The Problem of Domestic Work at the International Labour Organization (working draft)
- Chee, L. (2023). Play and Counter-Conduct: Migrant Domestic Workers on TikTok. Global Society, 37(4), pp. 593-617
- Chee, L. (2023). Gendering labour time - regulating domestic work. Social Europe, January 11, 2023
- August 27-31, 2024. 17th EISA Pan-European Conference on International Relations. Search for International Relations: Spaces, Styles, Struggles. Catholic University of Lille
- July 18-20, 2024. International Political Economy of Labor Migration. ISA RC02 Economy and Society. University of Duisburg Essen
- July 8-10, 2024. European Conference on Politics and Gender. European Consoritum for Political Research. Ghent University
- June 5-7, 2024. Global Transformations and Governance Challenges Conference. Leiden University
- May 6, 2024. Presentation. Merchants of Migrant Domestic Labour: Recruitment Agencies and Neoliberal Migration Governance in Southeast Asia. Migration Dialogue at UvA, Amsterdam Research Centre for Migration.
- March 13-14, 2024. New complexities and geographies in migration and diversity governance. IMISCOE Writing Workshop at the University of Amsterdam
- February 22, 2024. "Merchants" of Migrant Domestic Labour: Recruitment Agencies and Neoliberal Migration Governance in Southeast Asia. Lunch lecture at the International Institute of Asian Studies, Leiden
- November 2023 to March 2024. Visiting researcher. International Insitute of Asian Studies, Leiden University
- September 5-9, 2023. 16th EISA Pan-European Conference on International Relations. 'Envisioning a New Normal.' University of Potsdam, Germany
- July 3-6, 2023. 20th Annual IMISCOE Conference: 'Migration and Inequalities, in search of Answers and Solutions'. University of Warsaw
- June 13-14, 2023. Swiss Network of International Studies Biennial Conference: 'International Organizations in Crisis'. University of St. Gallen
- May 22, 2023. Seeing Women's Labour: The Problem of Domestic Work at the ILO. Global Governance Talk, Geneva Graduate Institute
- April to May 2023. Visiting fellow. Global Governance Centre. Geneva Graduate Institute
- January to March 2023. Visiting fellowship, Amsterdam Centre for Migration and Refugee Law. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam